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Venture team membership dynamics and new venture innovation
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ( IF 5.761 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-06 , DOI: 10.1002/sej.1473
Brian C. Fox 1 , Zeki Simsek 2 , Ciaran Heavey 3

Although pre-entry startup experience is widely recognized as a driver of innovation in new ventures, a core feature of new venture teams is that their membership is fluid. In this article, we theorize and test whether venture team membership fluidity incrementally explains new venture innovation. We also investigate and demonstrate that team fluidity conditions the impact of pre-entry startup experience present at founding. Testing our hypotheses with a cohort of 440 new ventures tracked for 8 years, we find support for the model across a wide range of specifications. Our study advances current understanding of the relationship between pre-entry experience and new venture innovation, as well as novel insights into the central but often overlooked role of team fluidity.



尽管入职前的创业经验被广泛认为是新企业创新的驱动力,但新企业团队的一个核心特征是他们的成员是流动的。在本文中,我们对风险团队成员流动性是否能逐渐解释新的风险创新进行理论分析和测试。我们还调查并证明了团队流动性会影响初创公司成立时的入职前经验的影响。通过对 8 年跟踪的 440 家新企业进行的队列测试我们的假设,我们发现该模型在广泛的规格范围内得到了支持。我们的研究增进了目前对入职前经验与新企业创新之间关系的理解,并对团队流动性的核心但经常被忽视的作用提出了新颖的见解。