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Observation of a Nuclear Recoil Peak at the 100 eV Scale Induced by Neutron Capture
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-26 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.130.211802
H Abele 1 , G Angloher 2 , A Bento 2, 3 , L Canonica 2 , F Cappella 4 , L Cardani 4 , N Casali 4 , R Cerulli 5, 6 , A Chalil 7 , A Chebboubi 8 , I Colantoni 4, 9 , J-P Crocombette 10 , A Cruciani 4 , G Del Castello 4, 11 , M Del Gallo Roccagiovine 4, 11 , D Desforge 7 , A Doblhammer 1 , E Dumonteil 7 , S Dorer 1 , A Erhart 12 , A Fuss 1, 13 , M Friedl 13 , A Garai 2 , V M Ghete 13 , A Giuliani 14 , C Goupy 7 , F Gunsing 7 , D Hauff 2 , F Jeanneau 7 , E Jericha 1 , M Kaznacheeva 12 , A Kinast 12 , H Kluck 13 , A Langenkämper 2 , T Lasserre 7, 12 , A Letourneau 7 , D Lhuillier 7 , O Litaize 8 , M Mancuso 2 , P de Marcillac 14 , S Marnieros 14 , T Materna 7 , B Mauri 7 , A Mazzolari 15 , E Mazzucato 7 , H Neyrial 7 , C Nones 7 , L Oberauer 12 , T Ortmann 12 , A Ouzriat 7 , L Pattavina 12, 16 , L Peters 12 , F Petricca 2 , D V Poda 14 , W Potzel 12 , F Pröbst 2 , F Reindl 1, 13 , R Rogly 7 , M Romagnoni 15 , J Rothe 12 , N Schermer 12 , J Schieck 1, 13 , S Schönert 12 , C Schwertner 1, 13 , L Scola 7 , O Serot 8 , G Soum-Sidikov 7 , L Stodolsky 2 , R Strauss 12 , M Tamisari 15, 17 , L Thulliez 7 , C Tomei 4 , M Vignati 4, 11 , M Vivier 7 , V Wagner 12 , A Wex 12 , ,

Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering and low-mass dark matter detectors rely crucially on the understanding of their response to nuclear recoils. We report the first observation of a nuclear recoil peak at around 112 eV induced by neutron capture. The measurement was performed with a CaWO4 cryogenic detector from the NUCLEUS experiment exposed to a Cf252 source placed in a compact moderator. We identify the expected peak structure from the single-γ de-excitation of W183 with 3σ and its origin by neutron capture with 6σ significance. This result demonstrates a new method for precise, in situ, and nonintrusive calibration of low-threshold experiments.


中子俘获引起的 100 eV 级核反冲峰的观察

相干弹性中微子核散射和低质量暗物质探测器关键依赖于了解它们对核反冲的反应。我们报告了第一次观察到由中子俘获引起的大约 112 eV 的核反冲峰。测量是用一个氧化钙4个来自 NUCLEUS 实验的低温探测器暴露在CF252源放在紧凑的版主中。我们从 single- 中识别出预期的峰结构γ去励磁W1833个σ及其中子俘获的起源6个σ意义。这一结果展示了一种用于低阈值实验的精确、原位和非侵入式校准的新方法。