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Emotions as social information in unambiguous situations: role of emotions on procedural justice perception
Current Psychology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12144-023-04640-y
Othman H Alkhadher 1 , Hesham F Gadelrab 1 , Salman Alawadi 2

Emotion as Social Information Theory claims that in an ambiguous situation, people rely on others’ emotions to make sense of the level of fairness encountered. We tested whether the information provided by emotions about the fairness of a procedure is still a significant factor in explaining individual differences in perception of variance, even in unambiguous situations. We assessed the effects of others’ emotions on observers inferred procedural justice during (un)ambiguous situations when people are treated (un)fairly. We collected data using Qualtrics online survey software from 1012 employees across different industry services in the United States. The participants were assigned randomly to one of the 12 experimental conditions (fair, unfair, and unknown x happiness, anger, guilt, and neutral). The results indicated that emotions played a significant role in the psychology of justice judgments under the ambiguous situation, as predicted by the EASI, as well as under unambiguous conditions. The study revealed significant interactions between the procedure and emotion. These findings emphasized the importance of considering how others’ emotions influence an observer’s perception of justice. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were also discussed.



情感作为社会信息理论认为,在模棱两可的情况下,人们依靠他人的情感来理解所遇到的公平程度。我们测试了即使在明确的情况下,关于程序公平性的情绪提供的信息是否仍然是解释方差感知的个体差异的重要因素。我们评估了他人情绪对观察者的影响,并在人们受到(不)公平对待的(不)模糊情况下推断出程序正义。我们使用 Qualtrics 在线调查软件从美国不同行业服务的 1012 名员工中收集了数据。参与者被随机分配到 12 种实验条件之一(公平、不公平和未知 x 快乐、愤怒、内疚和中立)。结果表明,正如 EASI 所预测的那样,在模棱两可的情况下以及在明确的条件下,情绪在正义判断的心理中发挥着重要作用。该研究揭示了手术与情绪之间的显着相互作用。这些发现强调了考虑他人情绪如何影响观察者对正义的看法的重要性。还讨论了这些发现的理论和实践意义。
