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Community-based climate adaption: A perspective on the interface between a common pool resource system and an individual-based market transaction system
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107891
Yingjun Qi , Gongbu Zeren , Wenjun Li

Because of land privatisation and marketisation in rural areas, community-based adaptation to climate change may face new challenges. A field survey conducted on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) shows that herders with a grassland collective management system (CMS) suffer higher livestock mortality than those with an individual management system (IMS) during the same extreme climatic events, in contrast to previous research findings. This study seeks to explain this contrast. The results show that although local herders have begun to rely on market-related adaptation strategies to cope with climate change, IMS herders are more inclined to rent-in grassland, while CMS herders are more inclined to purchase fodder. The high-cost grassland renting-in strategy reduces livestock mortality and total household economic loss more effectively than purchasing fodder during snow disasters. An important reason for this is that IMS strengthens market concepts and promotes interaction between herders and external markets, especially the grassland rental market, while CMS continues past grazing traditions and maintains traditional social relationships and collective concepts within the community. CMS herders fail to rent-in grassland due to psychological free-riding incentives and scale mismatch. In the face of repeated climatic disasters, however, CMS herders have also begun to overcome various obstacles to entering the grassland rental market through self-organization and are gradually forming a new pathway of adaptation to climate change.



由于农村地区的土地私有化和市场化,基于社区的气候变化适应可能面临新的挑战。在青藏高原 (QTP) 进行的一项实地调查表明,在相同的极端气候事件中,采用草原集体管理系统 (CMS) 的牧民的牲畜死亡率高于采用个体管理系统 (IMS) 的牧民,这与以往相比研究成果。本研究试图解释这种对比。结果表明,虽然当地牧民开始依赖市场相关的适应策略来应对气候变化,但IMS牧民更倾向于租用草地,而CMS牧民更倾向于购买草料。高成本的草地租用策略比在雪灾期间购买饲料更有效地降低牲畜死亡率和家庭经济总损失。一个重要的原因是,IMS强化了市场观念,促进了牧民与外部市场,尤其是草原租赁市场的互动,而CMS则延续了过去的放牧传统,保持了社区内部传统的社会关系和集体观念。由于心理搭便车动机和规模不匹配,CMS 牧民未能租用草地。但面对气候灾害频频发生,合作社牧民也开始通过自组织克服种种障碍进入草原租赁市场,正在逐步形成适应气候变化的新路径。
