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The effects of immigration enforcement on traffic stops: Changing driver or police behavior?
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-18 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12625
Britte van Tiem 1

This research asks whether jail-based immigration enforcement leads to the profiling of Hispanics by municipal police. I leverage a natural experiment to examine the effects of 287(g) jail partnerships on traffic stops and arrests by municipal police in North Carolina in the late 2000s. I find that stops of Hispanic drivers fell in the wake of 287(g) agreements, and show that this fall was driven by changes in Hispanic road use. While I cannot unambiguously disentangle police and driver behavior, I find no evidence that municipal police officers increased pretextual stops and arrests of Hispanic drivers.



这项研究询问监狱移民执法是否会导致市警察对西班牙裔进行定性分析。我利用自然实验来研究 2000 年代末北卡罗来纳州市警察 287(g) 监狱合作伙伴关系对交通拦截和逮捕的影响。我发现西班牙裔司机的停车次数在 287(g) 协议之后有所下降,并表明这一下降是由西班牙裔道路使用的变化造成的。虽然我无法明确区分警察和司机的行为,但我没有发现任何证据表明市警察增加了对西班牙裔司机的借口拦截和逮捕。