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Intimate Partner Violence and Children Under 5 Morbidities and Mortality in Afghanistan: Findings From a National Survey.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.621 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-16 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605231169774
Omid Dadras 1, 2 , Mohammadsediq Hazratzai 3 , Fateme Dadras 4

Limited knowledge exists concerning the prevalence and drivers of intimate partner violence (IPV) against Afghan women and its association with child morbidity and mortality in Afghanistan. The study used data from the 2015 Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey (ADHS 2015). The prevalence and associated sociodemographic factors of IPV were described by analyzing the data from Afghan women aged 15 to 49 years selected for the IPV module in ADHS 2015 (n = 24,070) whose children under 5 (n = 22,927) were included in the further analysis to estimate the morbidity and mortality of children and its association with IPV. It appeared that more than half of the Afghan women aged 15 to 49 years experienced IPV in the past year. Illiteracy (odds ratio [OR] = 1.69; 95% CI: 1.19, 2.39), living in rural areas (OR = 1.47; [1.19, 1.82]) being from the Pashtun, Tajik, Uzbek, and Pashai ethnic backgrounds were associated with a higher risk of IPV exposure. In general, the likelihood of child mortality within the first 5 years was higher among children born to mothers exposed to IPV, particularly physical and sexual even after adjustment for sociodemographic inequalities, the number of antenatal care, and marriage age. In addition, the odds of diarrhea, acute respiratory infection, and fever in the past 2 weeks were significantly higher among the children of victimized mothers in both adjusted and unadjusted models. Moreover, low birth weight and small birth size were more likely to be observed among the children of a mother who either experienced sexual or physical violence. The findings emphasized the elevated risk of morbidity and mortality among children under 5 born to mothers exposed to IPV and incorporating IPV screening into maternity and child care could reduce these adverse outcomes among Afghan women.


阿富汗亲密伴侣暴力与 5 岁以下儿童发病率和死亡率:全国调查结果。

关于针对阿富汗妇女的亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)的普遍程度和驱动因素及其与阿富汗儿童发病率和死亡率的关系,人们的了解有限。该研究使用了 2015 年阿富汗人口和健康调查 (ADHS 2015) 的数据。通过分析 2015 年 ADHS 中选择参加 IPV 模块的 15 至 49 岁阿富汗妇女 (n = 24,070) 的数据,描述了 IPV 的患病率和相关的社会人口统计学因素,其 5 岁以下儿童 (n = 22,927) 也纳入了进一步分析估计儿童的发病率和死亡率及其与 IPV 的关联。超过一半的 15 至 49 岁阿富汗女性在过去一年中经历过 IPV。来自普什图族、塔吉克族、乌兹别克族和帕夏族背景的生活在农村地区的文盲(比值比 [OR] = 1.69;95% CI:1.19, 2.39)(OR = 1.47;[1.19, 1.82])与IPV 暴露风险较高。一般来说,即使在调整了社会人口不平等、产前护理次数和结婚年龄后,接触 IPV 的母亲所生的孩子在头 5 年内死亡的可能性较高,特别是身体和性方面的死亡。此外,无论是调整后的模型还是未调整的模型中,受害母亲的孩子在过去两周内出现腹泻、急性呼吸道感染和发烧的几率均显着较高。此外,遭受性暴力或身体暴力的母亲所生的孩子更有可能出现低出生体重和小出生体型。研究结果强调,接触 IPV 的母亲所生的 5 岁以下儿童发病和死亡的风险较高,将 IPV 筛查纳入妇幼保健可以减少阿富汗妇女的这些不良后果。