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Water as a metaphorical marker in Setswana and Afrikaans poetry
South African Journal of African Languages Pub Date : 2023-05-14 , DOI: 10.1080/02572117.2022.2139940
Daniel Sekepe Matjila 1

The finding of this article is that water in poetry serves specifically as a marker of metaphorical information in the sense that it accentuates, continues and establishes relationships between elements of metaphorical constructions. To Raditladi and the Batswana in general, rain is compared to cattle, which provide and sustain life for the people. To Marais and the Afrikaner tradition in general, the wedding day is the beginning of a new life; the rain brings new life to the land. This article examines two poems in Setswana and Afrikaans. The aim is to analyse water images in the poems and make comparisons. This research study is informed by the multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary (MIT) research approach cutting across subjects, themes, concepts, ideologies, races and languages. This is a textual study with textual analysis as the methodology. It also employs critical discourse analysis and intertextuality as theoretical frameworks to analyse and interpret the data gathered.



本文的发现是,诗歌中的水在强调、延续和建立隐喻结构元素之间关系的意义上,特别充当隐喻信息的标记。对 Raditladi 和博茨瓦纳人来说,雨通常比作牛,为人们提供和维持生命。对于 Marais 和一般的南非白人传统而言,婚礼当天是新生活的开始;雨给大地带来了新的生命。本文考察了 Setswana 和南非荷兰语中的两首诗。目的是对诗歌中的水意象进行分析和比较。这项研究以跨学科、主题、概念、意识形态、种族和语言的多学科、跨学科和跨学科 (MIT) 研究方法为基础。这是一种以考据分析为方法论的考证。
