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The Processes and Problems of Social Integration of Refugees in Greece in the 21st Century
Comparative Sociology Pub Date : 2023-04-29 , DOI: 10.1163/15691330-bja10081
Ioannis Vlassopoulos 1

Refugee populations constitute a new reality for Greek society. These moving populations contribute to a process of redefining social and cultural status in the countries of reception. The following article was written as part of the author’s PhD thesis. The research method used is that of qualitative research through semi-structured in-depth interviews with refugees and asylum seekers. The article refers to part of field research results that focus on the forms of social integration adopted by refugees and asylum seekers in Greece, as well as how integration or exclusion is perceived by the latter. The aim of this research is to portray the experiences of the refugees on the process of their social integration into Greece.


