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Performative openness and governmental secrecy in fourteenth century Valencia
Continuity and Change ( IF 0.900 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0268416023000085
Adam Franklin-Lyons

In the fourteenth century, the urban council of Valencia tried to balance maintaining the secrecy of their government with a perceived need to publicise their actions. The council knew from experience that information vacuums could be dangerous. Feuds between noble groups made the urban council wary of the secret actions of council members. Food shortages and the anti-Jewish riots in 1391 also pressured the council to project a public face of action to quell urban unrest. In response, the city enacted a performative publicity: a public show of information dissemination concerning the normal operations of government that still occluded the actual discussions of the council.



在 14 世纪,瓦伦西亚市议会试图在维护政府机密与公开其行动的必要性之间取得平衡。委员会从经验中知道信息真空可能是危险的。贵族团体之间的不和使得城市委员会对委员会成员的秘密行动保持警惕。粮食短缺和 1391 年的反犹骚乱也迫使委员会采取行动以平息城市骚乱。作为回应,该市进行了表演性宣传:公开展示有关政府正常运作的信息,但仍然遮挡了理事会的实际讨论。
