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How School and Home Contexts Impact the School Adjustment of Adolescents from Different Ethnic and SES Backgrounds During COVID-19 School Closures
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-023-01772-z
Jessie Hillekens 1, 2 , Gülseli Baysu 3 , Karen Phalet 2

Many schools worldwide closed to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. However, the consequences of school closures for the school adjustment of adolescents from different ethnic and SES backgrounds remain unclear. This study examined how school adjustment changed before, during, and after school closure across adolescents from different ethnic and SES backgrounds; and which factors in home and school contexts served as resources. Early adolescents (N = 124, Mage = 12.86, 58.8% boys) from different ethnic and SES backgrounds were repeatedly assessed 1 week before (March 2020), during (June 2020), and 1 year after (February 2021) the first school closure in Belgium. The results revealed that school closure augmented ethnicity- and SES-based inequalities in school adjustment. Moreover, factors in the school context—and not the home context—served as resources. Specifically, the quality of online instruction and teacher-pupil relationships buffered against reduced school adjustment during school closure, particularly among youth from ethnic minority and lower SES backgrounds. The findings corroborate unequal school adjustment consequences of school closures, but also highlight the role of teachers to buffer against them. The study design, hypotheses, and analyses were preregistered in the following link: https://osf.io/6ygcu/?view_only=c77cfb46028447bdb7844cd2c76237aa.


在 COVID-19 学校停课期间,学校和家庭环境如何影响来自不同种族和 SES 背景的青少年的学校适应

全球许多学校关闭以遏制 COVID-19 病毒的传播。然而,学校停课对来自不同种族和社会经济地位背景的青少年学校适应的影响仍不清楚。本研究调查了来自不同种族和社会经济地位背景的青少年在学校关闭之前、期间和之后的学校调整如何变化;以及家庭和学校环境中的哪些因素可以作为资源。早期青少年(N  = 124,M年龄 = 12.86,58.8% 的男孩)来自不同种族和 SES 背景,在比利时第一次学校停课前一周(2020 年 3 月)、期间(2020 年 6 月)和一年后(2021 年 2 月)反复接受评估。结果表明,学校停课加剧了学校调整中基于种族和社会经济地位的不平等。此外,学校环境而非家庭环境中的因素充当了资源。具体而言,在线教学和师生关系的质量缓冲了学校关闭期间学校调整的减少,特别是在少数民族和较低社会经济地位背景的青年中。调查结果证实了学校停课带来的不平等学校调整后果,但也强调了教师在缓冲这些后果方面的作用。研究设计、假设和分析已在以下链接中预先注册:
