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Country stereotypes, perceptions and language attitudes: A moderated mediation analysis
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies ( IF 0.560 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-21 , DOI: 10.2989/16073614.2022.2141284
Larisa Nikitina 1 , Fumitaka Furuoka 2


This study employed a moderated mediation analysis with the aim to expand our understanding of psychological processes pertaining to learning an additional language. Since moderated mediation analyses are less common in L2 research, this article gives a detailed explanation of the analytical procedure. The data were collected among Malaysian learners of less commonly taught languages, namely Thai, Filipino and Myanmar. The study assessed whether the language learners’ perceptions of a target language country would have a mediating effect on the link between country stereotypes and language attitudes held by the students. It also examined whether demographic factors, such as gender and university major, would moderate the stereotypes-perceptions-attitudes nexus. The findings revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between the country stereotypes and language attitudes held by the language learners. It was also found that the students’ perceptions of the target language countries mediated the relationship between the country stereotypes and language attitudes. Among the demographic factors only the students’ university major – but not gender – had a moderating effect on the stereotypes-perceptions-attitudes nexus. These findings hold some implications for curriculum development.




