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Le cours de l'action sociale: Jean Charles-Brun et le théâtre
Nineteenth-Century French Studies Pub Date : 2023-04-18
Sarah Al-Matary


Jean Charles-Brun (1870–1946), best known as a regionalist activist, became interested in the theater early on: it was certainly from there that he consolidated his discourse on the relationship between art and society. Years before the courses on the social novel in nineteenth-century France that he gave at the Collège libre des sciences sociales, Charles-Brun had delivered several lectures on social theater in the same institution (1898–99, 1908–09). These lectures were never published, but traces of them remain in an unpublished notebook kept in the archives of the MuCEM in Marseille. The genetic study of this document does not make it possible to determine the specific content of the lectures. But, by placing the references it mobilizes in the ideological context of the day, and by reading these references in relation to the speaker’s social networks, we can glimpse the difficulties involved in defending “social theater,” such as it was promoted, in particular, by the movement of the “Universités populaires,” before a largely bourgeois, even “mondain” public. (In French.)




让·查尔斯-布伦 (Jean Charles-Brun,1870-1946 年) 是一位最著名的地方主义活动家,他很早就对戏剧产生了兴趣:他当然是从那里巩固了他对艺术与社会之间关系的论述。查尔斯-布伦 (Charles-Brun) 在法国社会自由学院 (Collège libre des sciences sociales) 开设有关 19 世纪法国社会小说的课程之前数年,查尔斯-布伦 (Charles-Brun) 曾在同一所学院 (1898–99、1908–09) 发表过几次关于社会戏剧的讲座。这些讲座从未出版过,但它们的痕迹仍然存在于一本未出版的笔记本中,该笔记本保存在马赛 MuCEM 的档案中。本文件的基因研究无法确定讲座的具体内容。但是,通过将它所动员的参考文献置于当今的意识形态背景中,通过阅读这些与演讲者的社交网络相关的参考资料,我们可以瞥见捍卫“社会戏剧”所涉及的困难,尤其是“大众大学”运动所推动的,在很大程度上是资产阶级,甚至是“世俗的”公众。(法语。)
