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Dissecting the contribution of weather and management on water table dynamics under present and future climate scenarios in the US Corn Belt
Agronomy for Sustainable Development ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s13593-023-00889-6
Elvis F. Elli , Sotirios V. Archontoulis

In rainfed crop production regions such as the US Corn belt, the existence of a shallow water table increases crop productivity, decreases inter-annual grain yield variability, and impacts environmental N losses. Understanding how climate and management scenarios influence water table depth is key to designing sustainable and profitable cropping systems. A concurrent cropping systems-level examination of how weather variability, climate change, and agronomic management affect water table dynamics is missing. To fill this knowledge gap, we developed a systems evaluation using APSIM framework with the objectives to (1) quantify how weather and agronomic management (subsurface drainage, tillage, crop sequences) affect the water table depth and its seasonal variability under present and future (2020 to 2080) climate scenarios and (2) develop functional relationships between water table depth and productivity and sustainability indicators to increase our knowledge base. We considered four US Corn Belt environments with various water table depth conditions. Results indicated that the water table depth was mostly dictated by weather conditions, with management to alter water table depth by up to 31% under present climate conditions and up to 6% under future climate projections. The overall ranking of management practices in terms of influence on water table depth was subsurface tile drainage > tillage > crop sequence. The water tables will become slightly deeper in the future, with an overall downward trend of 0.18 cm year−1 (2020–2080), mostly driven by increased temperature and therefore evapotranspiration. For every degree increase in temperature, the water table depth deepened by about 8 cm. Water table depth affected crop yields, rooting depths, N2O emissions, and runoff in different ways revealing important tradeoffs between productivity and sustainability metrics. Our study provides new insights into an important water source for crop production, which can inform decision-making and climate change adaptation strategies.



在美国玉米带等雨养作物生产区,浅水位的存在提高了作物生产力,降低了年际谷物产量变异性,并影响了环境氮素损失。了解气候和管理情景如何影响地下水位深度是设计可持续且有利可图的种植系统的关键。缺少对天气多变性、气候变化和农艺管理如何影响地下水位动态的同步种植系统级检查。为了填补这一知识空白,我们使用 APSIM 框架开发了一个系统评估,其目标是 (1) 量化天气和农艺管理(地下排水、耕作、作物序列)影响当前和未来(2020 年至 2080 年)气候情景下的地下水位深度及其季节性变化,以及 (2) 发展地下水位深度与生产力和可持续性指标之间的函数关系,以增加我们的知识库。我们考虑了具有不同地下水位深度条件的四个美国玉米带环境。结果表明,地下水位深度主要由天气条件决定,在目前的气候条件下,管理层最多可将地下水位深度改变 31%,在未来气候预测下最多可改变 6%。管理措施对地下水位深度影响的总体排序为地下瓦排水>耕作>作物顺序。未来地下水位略有加深,总体下降0.18厘米/年 我们考虑了具有不同地下水位深度条件的四个美国玉米带环境。结果表明,地下水位深度主要由天气条件决定,在目前的气候条件下,管理层最多可将地下水位深度改变 31%,在未来气候预测下最多可改变 6%。管理措施对地下水位深度影响的总体排序为地下瓦排水>耕作>作物顺序。未来地下水位略有加深,总体下降0.18厘米/年 我们考虑了具有不同地下水位深度条件的四个美国玉米带环境。结果表明,地下水位深度主要由天气条件决定,在目前的气候条件下,管理层最多可将地下水位深度改变 31%,在未来气候预测下最多可改变 6%。管理措施对地下水位深度影响的总体排序为地下瓦排水>耕作>作物顺序。未来地下水位略有加深,总体下降0.18厘米/年 管理措施对地下水位深度影响的总体排序为地下瓦排水>耕作>作物顺序。未来地下水位略有加深,总体下降0.18厘米/年 管理措施对地下水位深度影响的总体排序为地下瓦排水>耕作>作物顺序。未来地下水位略有加深,总体下降0.18厘米/年−1 (2020–2080),主要由温度升高和蒸发蒸腾驱动。温度每升高一度,地下水位深度就加深约 8 厘米。地下水位深度以不同方式影响作物产量、根系深度、N 2 O 排放量和径流,揭示了生产力和可持续性指标之间的重要权衡。我们的研究为作物生产的重要水源提供了新的见解,可以为决策和气候变化适应战略提供信息。
