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Patterns of Observed Dyadic Ethnic-Racial Socialization among Black and Latinx Families in Response to a Hypothetical Experience of Discrimination at School
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-023-01773-y
Kimberly R Osborne 1 , Margaret O'Brien Caughy 1

Ethnic-racial socialization has primarily been examined as a unidirectional, caregiver-directed process. Instead, applying the Theory of Racial Socialization in Action (Smith-Bynum, 2023), the current study observed caregiver-youth conversations about a hypothetical discriminatory experience at school for patterns of dyadic ethnic-racial socialization. Participants were 353 Black (39.7%), Latinx (47.3%), and multiracial/ethnic (13%) pre-adolescents (Mage = 11.19, SD = 0.43; 45.3% female) and their caregivers (94% mothers) with low income from Dallas, Texas. Five subgroups of dyads were identified (High Dyadic Engagement, Parent-Led, Justice Salient Advocates, Child-Dominant and Low Dyadic Engagement) that differed by demographic characteristics of the dyads (e.g., race/ethnicity, caregiver education). Observing ethnic-racial socialization in action with dyads could improve the delivery of interventions to better meet the needs of families.



种族社会化主要被视为单向的、照顾者指导的过程。相反,当前的研究应用了行动中的种族社会化理论(Smith-Bynum,2023),观察了看护者与青少年关于假设的学校歧视经历的二元种族社会化模式的对话。参与者包括 353 名黑人 (39.7%)、拉丁裔 (47.3%) 和多种族/民族 (13%) 青春期前青少年( M年龄= 11.19, SD = 0.43;45.3% 女性)及其照顾者(94% 母亲),他们的低血压来自德克萨斯州达拉斯的收入。确定了二元组的五个亚组(高二元参与度家长主导正义突出倡导者儿童主导低二元参与度),这些子组因二元组的人口特征(例如种族/民族、看护者教育)而有所不同。观察二人群体的民族-种族社会化行动可以改善干预措施的实施,以更好地满足家庭的需求。
