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Harnessing the connectivity of climate change, food systems and diets: Taking action to improve human and planetary health
Anthropocene ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2023.100381
Jessica Fanzo , Lais Miachon

With climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and ongoing conflicts, food systems and the diets they produce are facing increasing fragility. In a turbulent, hot world, threatened resiliency and sustainability of food systems could make it all the more complicated to nourish a population of 9.7 billion by 2050. Climate change is having adverse impacts across food systems with more frequent and intense extreme events that will challenge food production, storage, and transport, potentially imperiling the global population’s ability to access and afford healthy diets. Inadequate diets will contribute further to detrimental human and planetary health impacts. At the same time, the way food is grown, processed, packaged, and transported is having adverse impacts on the environment and finite natural resources further accelerating climate change, tropical deforestation, and biodiversity loss. This state-of-the-science iterative review covers three areas. The paper's first section presents how climate change is connected to food systems and how dietary trends and foods consumed worldwide impact human health, climate change, and environmental degradation. The second area articulates how food systems affect global dietary trends and the macro forces shaping food systems and diets. The last section highlights how specific food policies and actions related to dietary transitions can contribute to climate adaptation and mitigation responses and, at the same time, improve human and planetary health. While there is significant urgency in acting, it is also critical to move beyond the political inertia and bridge the separatism of food systems and climate change agendas that currently exists among governments and private sector actors. The window is closing and closing fast.



随着气候变化、COVID-19 大流行和持续不断的冲突,粮食系统及其生产的饮食正面临着越来越脆弱的局面。在一个动荡、炎热的世界中,粮食系统的弹性和可持续性受到威胁,这可能会使到 2050 年养活 97 亿人口变得更加复杂。气候变化正在对整个粮食系统产生不利影响,更频繁和更强烈的极端事件将挑战粮食生产、储存和运输,可能危及全球人口获得和负担得起健康饮食的能力。饮食不足将进一步对人类和地球健康造成不利影响。与此同时,食品的种植、加工、包装和运输方式正在对环境和有限的自然资源产生不利影响,进一步加速气候变化,热带森林砍伐和生物多样性丧失。这种最新的科学迭代审查涵盖三个领域。该论文的第一部分介绍了气候变化如何与粮食系统相关联,以及饮食趋势和全球消费的食物如何影响人类健康、气候变化和环境退化。第二个领域阐述了粮食系统如何影响全球饮食趋势以及塑造粮食系统和饮食的宏观力量。最后一节强调了与饮食转型相关的具体食品政策和行动如何有助于气候适应和减缓反应,同时改善人类和地球健康。虽然行动非常紧迫,同样重要的是要超越政治惯性,弥合目前存在于政府和私营部门行动者之间的粮食系统和气候变化议程的分离主义。窗户正在关上,关得很快。
