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Analysis of changes in soil physical properties and CO2 emissions under the influence of biopreparations of different composition
Soil ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-30 , DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-470
Sidona Buragienė , Egidijus Šarauskis , Aida Adamavičienė , Kęstutis Romaneckas , Kristina Lekavičienė , Vilma Naujokienė

Abstract. The introduction of innovative technologies in agriculture is key not only to improving the efficiency of agricultural production, crop yields, and quality but also to balancing energy use and preserving a cleaner environment. Biopreparations are environmentally friendly means of restoring the vitality of the soil on which plants can thrive. Biopreparations have an impact on soil health and alter greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of different biopreparation formulations on soil physical properties and CO2 emissions from the soil by establishing correlations. The experimental studies were carried out over three years, and each spring, after the resumption of winter crops, the soil surface was sprayed with biopreparations of different properties or mixtures of biopreparations, under 7 scenarios, with one scenario left as a control. Soil porosity, temperature, and CO2 emissions from the soil were measured regularly every month from April to August. The application of the biopreparations showed a cumulative effect on the soil properties. In the third year of the study, the total porosity of the soil was higher in all scenarios compared to the control, ranging between 51 % and 74 %. The aeration porosity of the soil was also higher in all years of the study than in the control, although no significant differences were obtained. The results of the studies on CO2 emissions from the soil showed that in the first year, the application of the biopreparations increases emissions compared to the control. However, when assessing the cumulative effect of the biopreparations on soil respiration intensity, it was found that in the third year, most of the biopreparations led to a reduction in CO2 emissions compared to the control. The lowest emissions were achieved with the biopreparations consisting of essential oils of plants, 40 species of various herbs extracts, marine algae extracts, Azospirillum sp., Frateuria aurentia, Bacillus megaterium, mineral oils, Azotobacter vinelandi, humic acid, gibberellic acid, sodium molybdate, azototbacter chroococcum, azospirillum brasilense, etc.



摘要。在农业中引入创新技术不仅是提高农业生产效率、作物产量和质量的关键,也是平衡能源使用和保持清洁环境的关键。生物制剂是一种环境友好的方法,可以恢复植物赖以生长的土壤的活力。生物制剂对土壤健康有影响并改变温室气体排放。这项工作的目的是研究不同生物制备配方对土壤物理性质和 CO 2的影响通过建立相关性从土壤排放。实验研究进行了三年多,每年春天,冬季作物恢复后,土壤表面喷洒不同性质的生物制剂或生物制剂的混合物,在 7 种情况下,留下一种情况作为对照。土壤孔隙度、温度和 CO 2从 4 月到 8 月,每月定期测量土壤排放量。生物制剂的应用显示出对土壤特性的累积影响。在研究的第三年,与对照相比,所有情景中土壤的总孔隙率都更高,介于 51% 和 74% 之间。土壤的通气孔隙率在研究的所有年份也高于对照,尽管没有获得显着差异。CO 2的研究结果土壤排放表明,在第一年,与对照相比,生物制剂的应用增加了排放。然而,在评估生物制剂对土壤呼吸强度的累积影响时,发现在第三年,与对照相比,大多数生物制剂导致 CO 2排放量减少。由植物精油、40 种不同草药提取物、海藻提取物、固氮螺菌组成的生物制剂实现了最低排放, Frateuria aurentia ,巨大芽孢杆菌, 矿物油, Azotobacter vinelandi、腐植酸、赤霉酸、钼酸钠、固氮菌、巴西偶氮螺菌等。