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Optimal supply chain networks for waste materials used in alkali-activated concrete fostering circular economy
Resources, Conservation and Recycling ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.106949
Anastasija Komkova , Guillaume Habert

Global objectives to mitigate climate change stimulate transformations within construction sector. Alternative binders to carbon-intensive cement are being researched, including alkali-activated materials. However, barriers preventing adaptation of developed solutions include the absence of supply chains and lack of collaborations between waste producers and concrete manufacturers. We propose a methodological framework that combines geospatial analysis and life cycle assessment with linear optimization model to identify the most optimal supply chain networks for waste materials, focusing on transportation between the actors. Two types of waste generated in Switzerland were examined as case studies, one with distributed source locations, such as ashes produced at municipal waste incinerators, and another with scattered source locations, such as mineral wool insulation waste from construction and demolition activities. Results show that direct symbiosis between waste producers and concrete manufacturers results in 68% and 63% lower CO2 emissions and costs of transportation for ashes and mineral wool waste respectively, compared to cement transportation for conventional concrete production. However, considering investment costs, decision-makers might support the centralized supply chain network design.



减缓气候变化的全球目标刺激了建筑行业的转型。正在研究碳密集型水泥的替代粘合剂,包括碱活化材料。然而,阻碍采用已开发解决方案的障碍包括缺乏供应链以及废物生产者和混凝土制造商之间缺乏合作。我们提出了一个方法框架,将地理空间分析和生命周期评估与线性优化模型相结合,以确定废料的最佳供应链网络,重点关注参与者之间的运输。作为案例研究,研究了瑞士产生的两种类型的废物,一种具有分散的来源位置,例如城市废物焚化炉产生的灰烬,另一种具有分散的来源位置,例如来自建筑和拆除活动的矿棉绝缘废料。结果表明,废物生产者和混凝土制造商之间的直接共生导致 CO 降低 68% 和 63%2分别与传统混凝土生产的水泥运输相比,灰烬和矿棉废料的排放量和运输成本。但是,考虑到投资成本,决策者可能会支持集中式供应链网络设计。
