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MOVEMENT 4. BREATH SIGH TEMPEST: On the Temporal Dimensions of Re-arrangements
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research ( IF 3.732 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-27 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.13163
, Fabien Cante , Ajmal Hussain , Timo Makori , Surer Qassim Mohamed , Alana Osbourne , Francesca Pilo' , Kavita Ramakrishnan , AbdouMaliq Simone , Rike Sitas , Adeem Suhail

The fourth movement explores the temporal relationship between arrangements and re-arrangements, addressing the question of how an obdurate and ‘sticky’ temporal order may give way to palpable re-arrangement of the ways in which subjects experience time. Eschewing a concern with linear homogenous time, it addresses the processes of re-arrangement by understanding the dynamics of grave events, hauntings of the past, subtly changing rhythms of everyday life, and the force of potential futures in synchrony.


运动 4. 呼吸风暴:关于重新安排的时间维度
