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Guiding principles for the appraisal of English-teaching software
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies ( IF 0.560 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-29 , DOI: 10.2989/16073614.2023.2185983
Shoadi Ezekiel Ditaunyane 1 , Gary Wayne Collins 2


This qualitative study was motivated by the lack of appropriate guidelines and criteria for the assessment and selection of suitable Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) applications focusing on English First Additional Language (EFAL) for Senior Phase (Grades 7-9) learners in Gauteng. Therefore, the study set out to formulate guiding principles that evaluators could reference in assessing and selecting EFAL CALL applications. A developmental research design was adopted to facilitate the inductive development of guiding principles suitable for the appraisal of EFAL CALL applications. A purposively selected sample consisting of Grade 7-9 learners, Grade 7-9 EFAL teachers and education officials was used to collect qualitative data. Development sessions were repeated until nothing new emerged. After a process of analysis and constant refinement of codes emanating from the data, eight guiding principles were determined. The findings of the study provide essential perspectives on the use of English-teaching software through the lens of learners, teachers and education officials. These perspectives are crucial in shaping the discourse on the use of technology as a lever for the enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom. They provide voices that are often lacking in high-level policy discussions undertaken by Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training in South Africa.




这项定性研究的动机是缺乏适当的指南和标准来评估和选择合适的计算机辅助语言学习 (CALL) 应用程序,重点是豪登省高级阶段(7-9 年级)学习者的英语第一附加语言 (EFAL)。因此,该研究着手制定指导原则,供评估人员在评估和选择 EFAL CALL 应用程序时参考。采用了开发研究设计,以促进适用于评估 EFAL CALL 应用程序的指导原则的归纳开发。一个有目的地选择的样本由 7-9 年级学生、7-9 年级 EFAL 教师和教育官员组成,用于收集定性数据。重复开发会议,直到没有新的东西出现。经过对数据产生的代码进行分析和不断完善后,确定了八项指导原则。该研究的结果通过学习者、教师和教育官员的视角提供了关于英语教学软件使用的基本观点。这些观点对于塑造关于使用技术作为提高课堂教学质量的杠杆的话语至关重要。他们提供了南非普通教育和继续教育与培训质量保证委员会 Umalusi 进行的高层政策讨论中通常缺乏的声音。教师和教育官员。这些观点对于塑造关于使用技术作为提高课堂教学质量的杠杆的话语至关重要。他们提供了南非普通教育和继续教育与培训质量保证委员会 Umalusi 进行的高层政策讨论中通常缺乏的声音。教师和教育官员。这些观点对于塑造关于使用技术作为提高课堂教学质量的杠杆的话语至关重要。他们提供了南非普通教育和继续教育与培训质量保证委员会 Umalusi 进行的高层政策讨论中通常缺乏的声音。
