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A scoping review of the use of theory in positive youth development and athlete transition literature
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/1750984x.2023.2188120
Rachel Dunn 1 , Katherine Tamminen 2


The psychosocial development of young people in sports settings continues to be a popular area of study. Researchers examining youth athletes may draw on developmental theories from broader fields of psychology when choosing which psychosocial outcomes to study. However, it is currently unclear which theories inform youth sport research, and how these theories have been used. Therefore, a scoping review of the literature in positive youth development and youth athlete transitions in sport was conducted to investigate the use of theory in these areas. Two databases were systematically searched (APA PsychINFO and SportDiscus) and 10,453 abstracts were screened for inclusion in the review. Information was extracted from 207 articles and dissertations. Results indicated that the most-used theories included Ecological Theories of Human Development, (Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development. University Press) and Self-Determination Theory (Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227–268.). Theories were most often used in peripheral ways to contextualise or discuss research findings (Sandelowski, (1993 Sandelowski, M. (1993). Theory unmasked: The uses and guises of theory in qualitative research. Research in Nursing & Health, 16(3), 213218. https://doi.org/10.1002/nur.4770160308.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]). Theory unmasked: The uses and guises of theory in qualitative research. Research in Nursing & Health, 16(3), 213–218.). The use of theory more centrally (e.g. theory testing) was less common. In the future, researchers could draw on theories more fully to guide their hypotheses, examine whether non-developmental theories are appropriate to use with different populations, and ensure that research in youth sport is informed by theoretical progress in developmental psychology.




年轻人在运动环境中的社会心理发展仍然是一个热门的研究领域。在选择要研究的心理社会结果时,研究青年运动员的研究人员可能会借鉴更广泛的心理学领域的发展理论。然而,目前尚不清楚哪些理论为青少年体育研究提供了信息,以及这些理论是如何被使用的。因此,对体育运动中青年积极发展和青年运动员转型的文献进行了范围界定审查,以调查理论在这些领域的应用。系统地搜索了两个数据库(APA PsychINFO 和 SportDiscus),并筛选了 10,453 份摘要以纳入审查。信息是从 207 篇文章和论文中提取的。结果表明,最常用的理论包括人类发展的生态理论,人类发展的生态学。大学出版社)和自决理论(Deci, EL, & Ryan, RM (2000)。追求目标的“什么”和“为什么”:人类需求和行为的自决。心理调查,11( 4 ) , 227–268.). 理论最常以外围方式用于背景化或讨论研究结果(Sandelowski,(1993 Sandelowski, M. ( 1993 )。揭露理论:理论在定性研究中的用途和伪装护理与健康研究16 (3), 213218https://doi.org/10.1002/nur.4770160308[Crossref]、[PubMed]、[Web of Science®]  、[Google Scholar])。揭开理论:定性研究中理论的用途和伪装。护理与健康研究,16(3), 213–218.)。更集中地使用理论(例如理论测试)不太常见。未来,研究人员可以更充分地利用理论来指导他们的假设,检验非发展理论是否适用于不同人群,并确保青少年体育研究得到发展心理学理论进展的启发。
