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Fate and Exposure Assessment of Pb Leachate from Hypothetical Breakage Events of Perovskite Photovoltaic Modules
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c05815
Sherif A Khalifa 1 , Sabrina Spatari 2 , Aaron T Fafarman 1 , Vasilis M Fthenakis 3 , Patrick L Gurian 4 , Mira S Olson 4 , Jason B Baxter 1

Emerging lead halide perovskite (LHP) photovoltaics are undergoing intense research and development due to their outstanding efficiency and potential for low manufacturing costs that render them competitive with existing photovoltaic (PV) technologies. While today’s efforts are focused on stability and scalability of LHPs, the toxicity of lead (Pb) remains a major challenge to their large-scale commercialization. Here, we present a screening-level, EPA-compliant model of fate and transport of Pb leachate in groundwater, soil, and air, following hypothetical catastrophic breakage of LHP PV modules in conceptual utility-scale sites. We estimated exposure point concentrations of Pb in each medium and found that most of the Pb is sequestered in soil. Exposure point concentrations of Pb from the perovskite film fell well below EPA maximum permissible limits in groundwater and air even upon catastrophic release from PV modules at large scales. Background Pb levels in soil can influence soil regulatory compliance, but the highest observed concentrations of perovskite-derived Pb would not exceed EPA limits under our assumptions. Nonetheless, regulatory limits are not definitive thresholds of safety, and the potential for increased bioavailability of perovskite-derived Pb may warrant additional toxicity assessment to further characterize public health risks.



新兴的卤化铅钙钛矿 (LHP) 光伏电池由于其出色的效率和低制造成本的潜力,使其与现有的光伏 (PV) 技术具有竞争力,因此正在进行密集的研究和开发。虽然今天的努力集中在 LHP 的稳定性和可扩展性上,但铅 (Pb) 的毒性仍然是其大规模商业化的主要挑战。在这里,我们提出了一个筛选级的、符合 EPA 标准的铅渗滤液在地下水、土壤和空气中的归宿和运输模型,假设 LHP PV 模块在概念性公用事业规模场地发生灾难性破损。我们估计了每种介质中 Pb 的暴露点浓度,发现大部分 Pb 都被隔离在土壤中。钙钛矿薄膜中 Pb 的暴露点浓度远低于 EPA 在地下水和空气中的最大允许限值,即使在 PV 模块大规模释放时也是如此。土壤中的背景 Pb 水平会影响土壤合规性,但根据我们的假设,观察到的钙钛矿衍生 Pb 的最高浓度不会超过 EPA 限制。尽管如此,监管限制并不是明确的安全阈值,钙钛矿衍生铅的生物利用度增加的潜力可能需要进行额外的毒性评估,以进一步表征公共卫生风险。但根据我们的假设,观察到的钙钛矿衍生铅的最高浓度不会超过 EPA 限制。尽管如此,监管限制并不是明确的安全阈值,钙钛矿衍生铅的生物利用度增加的潜力可能需要进行额外的毒性评估,以进一步表征公共卫生风险。但根据我们的假设,观察到的钙钛矿衍生铅的最高浓度不会超过 EPA 限制。尽管如此,监管限制并不是明确的安全阈值,钙钛矿衍生铅的生物利用度增加的潜力可能需要进行额外的毒性评估,以进一步表征公共卫生风险。