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“Small Is Viable”: The Arts, Ecology, and Development in Peru
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-21 , DOI: 10.3390/arts12020061
Claire F. Fox 1

This essay examines three Lima-based cultural projects dating from the 1980s through the 2000s that creatively adapt ideas and iconography associated with large-scale 1960s-era modernization initiatives to forge an alliance between “nature” and “culture” against capitalist development. Lima en un árbol (1981), an action and video by Rossana Agois, Wiley Ludeña, Hugo Salazar del Alcázar, and Armando Williams, and the installation and video Árbol (2002–2008) by Carmen Reátegui present trees as individuated, bearers of collective memory, and subjects of ritual interaction, while also contesting extractivist economies. The Micromuseo, founded in 1983 by Gustavo Buntinx and Susana Torres Márquez, conceptualized cultural networks as an ecosystem to articulate an “alternative museality” in the capital during eventful decades marked by devastating civil conflict and the implementation of austere neoliberalism. Inviting direct interaction with diverse publics, each of these ecologically oriented projects anticipates “cultural sustainability” as an emerging concept in cultural policy arenas. By drawing attention to how these cultural producers deliberately embrace the small and the everyday in opposition to elite institutional presentation, I want to bring greater recognition to cultural placemaking as a source of knowledge and a conduit for often marginalized perspectives to enter ongoing public conversations about human-environmental interactions.



本文考察了从 1980 年代到 2000 年代在利马开展的三个文化项目,这些项目创造性地调整了与 1960 年代大规模现代化举措相关的思想和形象,以在“自然”和“文化”之间建立联盟,反对资本主义发展。Lima en un árbol (1981)、Rossana Agois、Wiley Ludeña、Hugo Salazar del Alcázar 和 Armando Williams 的动作和视频,以及 Carmen Reátegui 的装置和视频 Árbol (2002-2008) 将树木呈现为个体,集体的承载者记忆和仪式互动的主题,同时也与采掘主义经济竞争。微型博物馆由 Gustavo Buntinx 和 Susana Torres Márquez 于 1983 年创立,将文化网络概念化为一个生态系统,以在以毁灭性的国内冲突和严峻的新自由主义实施为标志的多事之秋的几十年里,在首都阐明一种“另类的博物馆性”。这些以生态为导向的项目中的每一个都邀请与不同公众的直接互动,预计“文化可持续性”将成为文化政策领域的一个新兴概念。通过提请注意这些文化生产者如何故意拥抱小事和日常生活以反对精英机构的展示,我希望让人们更多地认识到文化场所营造是一种知识来源,也是经常被边缘化的观点进入正在进行的关于人类的公共对话的渠道- 环境相互作用。这些以生态为导向的项目中的每一个都邀请与不同公众的直接互动,预计“文化可持续性”将成为文化政策领域的一个新兴概念。通过提请注意这些文化生产者如何故意拥抱小事和日常生活以反对精英机构的展示,我希望让人们更多地认识到文化场所营造是一种知识来源,也是经常被边缘化的观点进入正在进行的关于人类的公共对话的渠道- 环境相互作用。这些以生态为导向的项目中的每一个都邀请与不同公众的直接互动,预计“文化可持续性”将成为文化政策领域的一个新兴概念。通过提请注意这些文化生产者如何故意拥抱小事和日常生活以反对精英机构的展示,我希望让人们更多地认识到文化场所营造是一种知识来源,也是经常被边缘化的观点进入正在进行的关于人类的公共对话的渠道- 环境相互作用。