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Prolonged Mesozoic intracontinental gold mineralization in the South China Block controlled by lithosphere architecture and evolving Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104387
Yushan Zeng , Qingfei Wang , David I. Groves , M. Santosh , Yanning Wang , Tingyi Wang , Lin Yang , Wei Chen , Jun Deng

The diverse types of Mesozoic intracontinental gold mineralization in the South China Block (SCB) are genetically linked to prolonged oceanic plate subduction. These gold deposits, with estimated resources greater than 2000 tonnes, comprise four gold provinces: Hainan Island, Wuyi-Yunkai Belt, Jiangnan Orogen, and Youjiang Basin. In these provinces, Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction, crustal thickness and composition, structural reactivation, and fluid-wall rock reactions collectively controlled the distribution and diverse features of the Mesozoic intracontinental gold mineralization.

Three stages can be identified in the metallogenic evolution of the SCB. (1) Formation of orogenic gold deposits gradually younging from the coast (Hainan) to the hinterland (Youjiang Basin and Jiangnan Orogen) related to flat-slab subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate and clockwise rotation of the SCB between 245 and 200 Ma. (2) Formation of intrusion-related Au-(Sb-W) deposits in the western Jiangnan Orogen in a continental extensional setting in the wake of flat-slab subduction between 210 and 195 Ma prior to the early to middle Jurassic hiatus (190–170 Ma) of high-angle subduction and stagnant slab. (3) Between 170 and 90 Ma, intermittent formation of intrusion-related gold deposits in the coastal region (∼160 Ma, ∼100 Ma) and hinterland (∼160 Ma, 140–130 Ma), and the formation of Carlin-type gold deposits in the Youjiang Basin (∼140 Ma) during episodic extension caused by slab foundering and changes in subduction angle. After 90 Ma, regional differential crustal thinning and denudation determined the extent of uplift and exposure of various types of ore deposits.

In stage 1, the quartz vein-type and disseminated orogenic gold deposits hosted in Precambrian rocks, and with a subcrustal source, are related to the reactivation of crust-scale NE-trending faults. In contrast, disseminated orogenic gold deposits hosted in Phanerozoic rocks and influenced by fluid-rock reactions relate to landward propagation of a fold-thrust system. In stage 2, intrusion-related Au-(Sb-W) deposits only formed in intracontinental Precambrian rocks and were controlled mainly by shallow, brittle, and extensional NW-trending structures. Highly fractionated late-stage S-type granite (used sensu lato throughout) complexes controlled the distribution of intrusion-related gold-(polymetallic) deposits in stages 2 and 3. In stage 3, stratabound and disseminated Carlin-type gold deposits are restricted to platform facies carbonate sequences, and intrusion-related gold deposits are structurally related to the reactivation of NE-trending faults. Both are interpreted to have a magmatic-hydrothermal source.

The crustal architecture of the four gold provinces exhibits marked differences in crustal thickness, contrasts in rheology, abundance of deep faults, and intensity of mantle-crust interaction. Those gold provinces in the central-southeastern SCB are the result of the reactivation of a paleo-orogen, in contrast to those hosted by deformation systems in shallow crust in the western SCB during the Mesozoic. The Carlin-type and intrusion-related gold deposits are located in regions with more mafic and felsic components, respectively, as indicated by seismic Vp/Vs ratios. However, the spatial distribution of orogenic gold deposits is poorly correlated with that of Vp/Vs ratios, suggesting a subcrustal source.



华南地块 (SCB) 不同类型的中生代陆内金矿化与长期的大洋板块俯冲在遗传上有关。这些金矿资源量超过2000吨,分布在海南岛、武夷-云开带、江南造山带和右江盆地四个金矿区。在这些省份,古太平洋板块俯冲、地壳厚度和组成、构造再活化和流体壁岩石反应共同控制了中生代陆内金矿化的分布和多样性特征。

SCB 的成矿演化可分为三个阶段。(1) 245~200Ma之间古太平洋板块平板俯冲和南海带顺时针旋转,从沿海(海南)向腹地(右江盆地和江南造山带)逐渐年轻化的造山金矿床的形成。(2) 早中侏罗世间断前 210 至 195 Ma 平板俯冲后大陆伸展背景下江南造山带西部侵入相关 Au-(Sb-W) 矿床的形成(190- 170 Ma) 的高角度俯冲和停滞板块. (3) 170~90 Ma,沿海地区(~160 Ma、~100 Ma)和腹地(~160 Ma、140~130 Ma)断断续续形成与侵入有关的金矿床,板块沉降和俯冲角变化引起的幕式扩张过程中右江盆地(~140 Ma)卡林型金矿床的形成。90 Ma以后,区域差异性地壳减薄和剥蚀决定了各类矿床的抬升和出露程度。

在第 1 阶段,石英脉型和浸染状造山金矿床赋存于前寒武纪岩石中,具有地壳下资源,与地壳规模的北东向断层的活化有关。相反,存在于显生宙岩石中并受流体-岩石反应影响的浸染式造山金矿床与褶皱-逆冲系统向陆地传播有关。在第 2 阶段,与侵入相关的 Au-(Sb-W) 矿床仅形成于陆内前寒武纪岩石中,主要受浅层、脆性和伸展的 NW 向构造控制。高度分异的晚期 S 型花岗岩(使用sensu latothroughout)复合体控制了第2、3期侵入型金(多金属)矿床的分布。第3期层控、浸染式卡林型金矿床局限于台地相碳酸盐岩层序,侵入型金矿床在结构上呈与 NE 向断层的重新激活有关。两者都被解释为具有岩浆热液源。

四个金矿区的地壳构造在地壳厚度、流变学差异、深部断层的丰富程度以及地幔-地壳相互作用的强度方面表现出显着差异。SCB 中部-东南部的那些金矿区是古造山带重新激活的结果,这与中生代期间 SCB 西部浅层地壳变形系统所承载的金矿区形成鲜明对比。正如地震Vp/Vs比率所示,卡林型和侵入型金矿床分别位于镁铁质和长英质成分较多的地区。然而,造山带金矿床的空间分布与Vp/Vs比值的相关性很差,表明其为地壳下来源。
