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The role of corporate investment in start-ups for climate-tech innovation
Joule ( IF 38.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2023.02.017
Kavita Surana , Morgan R. Edwards , Kathleen M. Kennedy , Maria A. Borrero , Leon Clarke , Rachel Fedorchak , Nathan E. Hultman , Haewon McJeon , Zachary H. Thomas , Ellen D. Williams

The authors organized the workshop “Accelerating Climate-Mitigating Technology Development and Deployment”, bringing together experts in energy innovation, investment, modeling, and policy. Together, they developed a research agenda for bridging granular private investment data and energy systems models to inform climate and innovation policy (https://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/21828). The authors are based at the University of Maryland (UMD) Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison), with expertise in energy and climate policy, innovation and technological change, and macro energy systems and integrated assessment modeling.

Surana is a Senior Fellow at CGS, Associate Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna and an investor in start-ups at IST cube. Edwards is an Assistant Professor at UW-Madison. Kennedy is a Postdoctoral Associate at CGS. Borrero is a graduate student at UMD. Clarke is the Director of Decarbonization Pathways at the Bezos Earth Fund and Senior Fellow at CGS. Fedorchak is a former undergraduate student at UW-Madison. Hultman is the Director at CGS, Professor at UMD, and was recently Senior Advisor for the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate at the US Department of State. McJeon is an Associate Research Scholar at CGS and an Earth Scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Thomas is a graduate student at UW-Madison. Williams is the Director of the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, a Distinguished University Professor at UMD, and the former Director of ARPA-E.



作者组织了“加速气候减缓技术开发和部署”研讨会,汇集了能源创新、投资、建模和政策方面的专家。他们共同制定了一项研究议程,以桥接精细的私人投资数据和能源系统模型,为气候和创新政策提供信息 ( https://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/21828 )。作者来自马里兰大学 (UMD) 全球可持续发展中心 (CGS) 和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (UW-Madison),在能源和气候政策、创新和技术变革以及宏观能源系统和综合评估模型。

Surana 是 CGS 的高级研究员、维也纳复杂性科学中心的副教授以及 IST cube 的初创企业投资者。爱德华兹是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的助理教授。Kennedy 是 CGS 的博士后助理。Borrero 是 UMD 的研究生。Clarke 是贝佐斯地球基金脱碳途径主任和 CGS 高级研究员。Fedorchak 是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的前本科生。Hultman 是 CGS 的主任,UMD 的教授,最近担任美国国务院气候问题总统特使的高级顾问。McJeon 是 CGS 的副研究员和太平洋西北国家实验室的地球科学家。托马斯是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的研究生。威廉姆斯是地球系统科学跨学科中心主任,
