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An oblique subduction model for closure of the Proto-Tethys and Palaeo-Tethys oceans and creation of the Central China Orogenic Belt
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104385
Mark B. Allen , Shuguang Song , Chao Wang , Renyu Zeng , Tao Wen

Subduction and closure of the Proto-Tethys and Palaeo-Tethys oceans were important events in the assembly of Eurasia, and created the Central China Orogenic Belt (CCOB). This paper presents a new tectonic model for the CCOB in which we propose that elongate Precambrian basement blocks within the CCOB were originally part of a single ribbon continent, here named K-Qubed after the Kunlun-Qaidam-Qilian-Qinling regions. K-Qubed separated from the South China Block in the Neoproterozoic. Dextral-oblique subduction of the Proto-Tethys Ocean took place southwards (present co-ordinates) under K-Qubed in latest Precambrian - Cambrian times (ca. 550–500 Ma). Subduction-accretion complexes were generated alongside the basement, while arc magmatism overprinted both basement and accretionary crust. Initial collision of the northern side of the ribbon continent and the North China and Tarim blocks occurred at ca. 500 Ma. High-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism resulted by ca. 490 Ma, in the North Qilian, South Altun/North Qaidam and North Qinling regions. Collision triggered a flip in subduction polarity, and caused a subduction-accretion complex and magmatic arc to build out southwards from K-Qubed, as Palaeo-Tethys was consumed northwards in the Ordovician. Magmatic timings were similar between different tectonic units; twin peaks in magmatism at ca. 500–490 Ma and ca. 440–430 Ma occurred in several terranes. Oblique subduction caused strain partitioning, in turn causing slivering and across-strike repetition of basement and accretionary crust. Tectonic units in the Qilian Shan and Kunlun can be partly correlated with equivalents in the Qinling Orogen. We suggest a match between the North Qilian Orogenic Belt and the Erlangping Unit, between the Central Qilian Block and the North Qinling Belt, between the South Qilian Accretionary Belt and the Shangdan Suture Zone. Basement terranes of the Qaidam region and the East Kunlun Orogen have no obvious lateral equivalents in the Qinling, and are truncated at the eastern margins by the West Qinling Belt. There are similar ages for peak metamorphism at ca. 440–420 Ma in an eclogite belt in the North Qaidam Ultra High-pressure Metamorphic Belt (NQUB) and eclogite localities in the East Kunlun Orogen. We interpret this metamorphism to be result of slab break-off beneath the K-Qubed continent, with metamorphic rocks repeated across-strike by dextral shear. The component of Precambrian crust in the Kunlun diminishes westwards into the West Kunlun, where Early Palaeozoic accretion of crust was more continuous. A magmatic gap throughout the CCOB between ca. 370 and ca. 290 Ma was possibly related to extremely oblique and/or slow plate convergence, or represents a time through which subduction stopped. Renewed northwards subduction of the Palaeo-Tethyan Ocean took place under the south side of the Kunlun and Qinling in the Permian, completed by Triassic collisions of the Qiangtang and South China blocks with the southern side of the CCOB. This model for the CCOB is an alternative to collisional and accretionary end members for orogeny, whereby oblique subduction and collision of a ribbon continent produces interleaving of basement and more juvenile terranes. Closure of Proto-Tethys did not involve multiple, separate and synchronous subduction zones, or repetition of a subduction zone by oroclinal bending, as previously proposed.



原特提斯洋和古特提斯洋的俯冲和闭合是欧亚大陆组装过程中的重要事件,并形成了华中造山带(CCOB)。本文提出了 CCOB 的新构造模型,其中我们提出 CCOB 内细长的前寒武纪基底块最初是单一带状大陆的一部分,这里以 K unlun-Q aidam-Q ilian - Q命名K - Qubed内陆地区。K-Qubed在新元古代从华南地块分离出来。在最新的前寒武纪 - 寒武纪时期(约 550-500 Ma),原始特提斯洋的右旋倾斜俯冲发生在 K-Qubed 下向南(现在的坐标)。俯冲-增生复合体是在基底旁边产生的,而弧形岩浆作用覆盖了基底和增生地壳。带状大陆北侧与华北和塔里木地块的初始碰撞发生在大约 2000 年。500 毫安。由ca引起的高压和超高压变质作用。490 Ma,分布于北祁连、南阿尔金/柴北、北秦岭地区。碰撞触发了俯冲极性的翻转,并导致俯冲-增生复合体和岩浆弧从 K-Qubed 向南建造,因为古特提斯在奥陶纪向北被消耗。不同构造单元之间的岩浆时间相似;大约在岩浆作用中出现双峰。500–490 Ma 和 ca。440-430 Ma 发生在几个地体中。倾斜俯冲导致应变分配,进而导致基底和增生地壳的条带化和交叉走向重复。祁连山和昆仑的构造单元可以与秦岭造山带的等价物部分对应。我们建议北祁连造山带与二郎坪单元、中祁连地块与北秦岭带、南祁连增生带与商丹缝合带匹配。柴达木地区和东昆仑造山带基底地体在秦岭没有明显的横向等同物,并在东缘被西秦岭带截断。峰值变质作用的年龄相似。柴北超高压变质带(NQUB)榴辉岩带和东昆仑造山带榴辉岩产地440-420 Ma。我们将这种变质作用解释为 K-Qubed 大陆下方板块断裂的结果,变质岩在右旋剪切作用下重复横向走向。昆仑前寒武纪地壳成分向西递减进入西昆仑,早古生代地壳增生较为连续。整个 CCOB 之间的岩浆间隙。370 和约。290 Ma 可能与极度倾斜和/或缓慢的板块会聚有关,或者代表俯冲停止的时间。古特提斯洋再次向北俯冲发生在二叠纪昆仑和秦岭南侧下方,由羌塘和华南地块与CCOB 南侧的三叠纪碰撞完成。这种 CCOB 模型是造山运动的碰撞和增生端元的替代方案,其中带状大陆的倾斜俯冲和碰撞产生基底和更年轻的地体的交错。如前所述,原特提斯海的闭合不涉及多个、独立和同步的俯冲带,或由口斜弯曲引起的俯冲带重复。这种 CCOB 模型是造山运动的碰撞和增生端元的替代方案,其中带状大陆的倾斜俯冲和碰撞产生基底和更年轻的地体的交错。如前所述,原特提斯海的闭合不涉及多个、独立和同步的俯冲带,或由口斜弯曲引起的俯冲带重复。这种 CCOB 模型是造山运动的碰撞和增生端元的替代方案,其中带状大陆的倾斜俯冲和碰撞产生基底和更年轻的地体的交错。如前所述,原特提斯海的闭合不涉及多个、独立和同步的俯冲带,或由口斜弯曲引起的俯冲带重复。
