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Sister Space: Collective Descriptive Representation and Black Women in Legislative Caucuses
Politics & Gender ( IF 3.165 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s1743923x22000599
Nadia E. Brown , Christopher J. Clark , Anna Mitchell Mahoney , Michael Strawbridge

Black women in elective office in the United States have demonstrated how descriptive representative transforms democratic institutions. This transformation is most evident in previously uncrystallized interests, those new to the agenda or not yet owned by specific political groups (Mansbridge 1999), articulated in legislative communication and action. For instance, Black maternal health is an issue that addresses the disproportionately poor health outcomes among Black women, who face systemic barriers to equitable care (Crear-Perry et al. 2021). Congresswoman Lauren Underwood’s (D-IL) 2021 Momnibus legislation included 12 bipartisan bills to address racial and ethnic disparities faced by mothers, children, and individuals who birth. Indeed, the creation of the Black Maternal Health Caucus (BMHC) demonstrates the legislative agency of Black women to form identity- and issue-based coalitions that suit the needs of Black women—needs often overlooked by Black men and white women.



美国选修办公室的黑人妇女已经证明了描述性代表如何改变民主制度。这种转变在以前未具体化的利益中最为明显,这些利益是议程上的新利益或尚未归特定政治团体所有(Mansbridge 1999),在立法沟通和行动中得到阐明。例如,黑人孕产妇健康是一个解决黑人女性健康状况不成比例的问题,她们在公平护理方面面临系统性障碍(Crear-Perry 等人,2021 年)。国会女议员劳伦·安德伍德 (D-IL) 的 2021 年 Momnibus 立法包括 12 项两党法案,旨在解决母亲、儿童和生育个人面临的种族和民族差异问题。的确,