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Sulfide anatexis during high-grade metamorphism: a case study from the Bodenmais SEDEX deposit, Germany
Mineralium Deposita ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s00126-023-01166-y
Sebastian Staude , Dominic Raisch , Gregor Markl

Many sedimentary-exhalative (SEDEX) sulfide deposits have been subject to regional metamorphism and, if the metamorphic grade was high enough, this could have resulted in sulfide anatexis. Although experiments and textures indeed showed that some deposits were partially molten, there is an ongoing debate as to the extent to which metamorphosed ore deposits were molten. Since some SEDEX deposits underwent amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism, not only sulfides but also the host silicate rocks should have reached anatectic conditions. Due to the two immiscible silicate and sulfide melts, the formation of typical mingling and emulsion textures, as already known from magmatic sulfide deposits, should form. To test this hypothesis, we investigate sulfide-silicate textures from the granulite-facies Bodenmais SEDEX deposit (Germany). Textures from Bodenmais are similar to magmatic sulfide deposits including sulfide-matrix breccia, emulsion textures, pegmatitic leucosomes, and massive sulfides overlain by net-textured intergrowths of refractory quartz, which is interpreted to be a relic of silicate anatexis. Minerals crystallized during the interaction of both immiscible melts differ in their chemistry compared to the same minerals found in the adjacent migmatitic host rocks: for example, garnet in sulfides is Mn-rich (spessartine), but Fe-rich (almandine) in the migmatites and sulfide-enclosed cordierite is more enriched in Mg (Mg/(Mg + Fe): 0.84) than migmatitic cordierite (Mg/(Mg + Fe): 0.54). The textures themselves, their spatial arrangement within the deposit, the differences in mineral chemistry, and the observed crystallization sequence provide unequivocal evidence that the sulfides at Bodenmais were molten to a large extent under granulite facies conditions.


高级变质过程中的硫化物深熔:以德国 Bodenmais SEDEX 矿床为例

许多沉积-喷出 (SEDEX) 硫化物矿床都经历过区域变质作用,如果变质程度足够高,这可能会导致硫化物深熔。尽管实验和纹理确实表明一些矿床部分熔化,但关于变质矿床熔化程度的争论仍在继续。由于一些 SEDEX 矿床经历了角闪岩到麻粒岩相变质,因此不仅硫化物而且主硅酸盐岩石都应该达到深熔条件。由于两种不混溶的硅酸盐和硫化物熔体,典型的混合和乳化结构的形成,正如岩浆硫化物矿床中已知的那样,应该形成。为了验证这一假设,我们研究了麻粒岩相 Bodenmais SEDEX 矿床(德国)的硫化物-硅酸盐结构。Bodenmais 的结构类似于岩浆硫化物矿床,包括硫化物基质角砾岩、乳状液结构、伟晶岩白晶体和被耐火石英的网状共生体覆盖的块状硫化物,这被解释为硅酸盐深熔的遗迹。与相邻混合岩主岩中发现的相同矿物相比,两种不混溶熔体相互作用时结晶的矿物在化学上有所不同:例如,硫化物中的石榴石富含锰(锰铝榴石),但混合岩中富含铁(铁铝榴石​​)硫化物包裹的堇青石比混合质堇青石 (Mg/(Mg + Fe): 0.54) 更富镁 (Mg/(Mg + Fe): 0.84)。纹理本身,它们在矿床内的空间排列,矿物化学的差异,
