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Princes, Armies, Sanctuaries
Acta Archaeologica Pub Date : 2022-05-02 , DOI: 10.1111/16000390-09001004
Harald Meller

The Circum-Harz group of the Central German Únětice Culture (2200-1600 BC) was a highly stratified society, which arose from the merging of the Corded Ware and Bell Beaker Cultures. This process was advanced by princes who established their legitimacy as rulers on symbolic references to both cultures as well as on newly created traditions and historical references. Their power was based on armed troops, which appear to have been accommodated in large houses or longhouses. The hierarchical structure of the troops can be determined by both their distinctive weapons and the colours thereof. The prince of the Dieskau territory commanded the largest army and occupied a dominant position, expressed through the large Bornhöck burial mound and by the gold find of Dieskau, which itself most likely originated in the Bornhöck barrow. The article concludes with a discussion whether the Dieskau ruler was an actual head of a genuine state, according to the criteria put forth by Max Weber and Stefan Breuer. There is some indication that these criteria of statehood were fulfilled by the period associated with the Nebra Sky Disk at the latest, since this disk allowed the prince to act as ‘a representative of the gods before the community’ (Breuer 1998, 39).



德国中部 Únětice 文化(公元前 2200-1600 年)的 Circum-Harz 群体是一个高度分层的社会,它起源于绳纹器文化和钟杯文化的融合。这一进程是由王子推动的,他们根据对两种文化的象征性参考以及新创造的传统和历史参考确立了他们作为统治者的合法性。他们的力量基于武装部队,这些部队似乎被安置在大房子或长屋里。部队的等级结构可以通过其独特的武器和颜色来确定。Dieskau 领地的王子指挥着最大的军队并占据了主导地位,这体现在巨大的 Bornhöck 墓地和 Dieskau 的金矿发现上,而金矿本身很可能起源于 Bornhöck 古墓。根据 Max Weber 和 Stefan Breuer 提出的标准,文章最后讨论了 Dieskau 统治者是否是真正国家的真正元首。有一些迹象表明,这些建国标准最迟在与内布拉星盘相关的时期得到满足,因为该星盘允许王子充当“众神在社区面前的代表”(Breuer 1998,39)。