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Papeles Seductivos: Friars, Intermediaries, and Organizers in the Huánuco Rebellion of 1812
The Americas ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-10 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2022.149
Taylor Cozzens

In February and March of 1812, Indigenous, mestizo, and creole rebels led an uprising in and around the colonial city of Huánuco in the viceroyalty of Peru. The diversity of the insurgent army reflected, to an extent, the vision of bilingual friars who, in the months preceding the uprising, had written, translated, and distributed pasquinades that called on residents to unite and drive out the Spanish. Although the insurgent army had two initial victories, Spanish authorities quickly put down the movement and began an investigation into the motives and leaders of the rebellion. Their interrogations led them to the subversive friars and the “papeles seductivos” (seductive papers) that these men of the cloth had been circulating. Using a collection of digitized documents from the uprising, which includes several examples of these seditious verses, this paper examines the significance of the Huánuco Rebellion in Peruvian and Latin American history. The rebellion demonstrates the potential of friars in their role as mediators of information to destabilize colonial relations. Additionally, the diverse army of insurgents complicates, at least to a degree, historians’ frequent characterization of Peru in the independence era as a bastion of royalism beset by ethnic tension.


Papeles Seductivos:1812 年 Huánuco 叛乱中的修道士、中间人和组织者

1812 年 2 月和 3 月,土著、混血儿和克里奥尔叛乱者在秘鲁总督辖区的殖民城市瓦努科及其周边地区领导了一场起义。起义军队的多样性在某种程度上反映了双语修道士的愿景,他们在起义前的几个月里撰写、翻译和分发了呼吁居民团结起来驱逐西班牙人的 pasquinades。虽然起义军取得了两次初步胜利,但西班牙当局很快就平息了这场运动,并开始对叛乱的动机和领导人进行调查。他们的审讯将他们带到了颠覆性的修士和“ papeles seductivos”(诱人的报纸)这些布料的人一直在流传。本文使用一系列来自起义的数字化文件,其中包括这些煽动性诗句的几个例子,探讨了 Huánuco 叛乱在秘鲁和拉丁美洲历史上的重要性。叛乱表明修道士作为信息调解人有可能破坏殖民关系的稳定。此外,多样化的叛乱军队至少在一定程度上使历史学家经常将独立时代的秘鲁描述为饱受种族紧张局势困扰的保皇主义堡垒而变得复杂。
