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Die paulinische Rede von der Selbstversklavung in 1 Kor 9,19 vor dem Hintergrund jüdischer Identität im Sklavenstand.
New Testament Studies Pub Date : 2023-03-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0028688522000285
Ruben A. Bühner

Paul's reference to his adaptability to different groups in 1 Cor 9.19–23 is central to recent discussions about Paul's Jewishness. This paper argues that the crucial context for Paul's metaphor of self-enslavement (1 Cor 9.19) is not to be found in anthropological passages such as Rom 6 or Gal 5, but rather in the conditions of a slave's life in antiquity. This leads to an interpretation that combines essential concerns of a Paul within Judaism perspective with those of more traditional exegesis.


保罗在 1 Cor 9:19 中关于奴隶制中犹太人身份背景的自我奴役演讲。

保罗在 1 Cor 9.19-23 中提到他对不同群体的适应性是最近关于保罗犹太人身份的讨论的核心。本文认为,保罗关于自我奴役的比喻 (林前 9.19) 的关键背景不是在罗马书 6 或加拉太书 5 等人类学段落中,而是在古代奴隶的生活条件中。这导致一种解释,将保罗在犹太教视角下的基本关注与更传统的释经结合起来。