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Don’t Be My Neighbor: Exploring Social and Value Predictors of Sexual Prejudice Expressed by Those Who Fully Accept Sexual Minorities
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-023-02567-w
Shahin Davoudpour 1

It is without a doubt that acceptance of sexual minorities is growing across the globe. Two major narratives are commonly assumed to be true about this increased acceptance. First, this acceptance is increased by proximity to the stigmatized. Second, this acceptance is enduring. These might not be entirely true as multiple attitudinal datasets frequently show a diversity among the accepting population, especially for those who express full acceptance of the stigmatized while refusing neighboring proximity to them. This inconsistency in acceptance is the main focus of this study. Using rejection of neighboring proximity to sexual minorities as a case for stigma and data from the Integrated Values Surveys (n = 52,796; 48.15% male), this study explores the similarities and differences between those who fully accept sexual minorities and those who express heightened sexual prejudice when rejecting neighboring proximity to sexual minorities. Logistic regression models show those in the accepting population who reject neighboring proximity to sexual minorities are more likely to be men, lower educated, highly religious, hold a traditional gender-related belief, and are attracted to right-wing political ideologies. While those with extreme sexual prejudice share sex, age, and traditional gender-related beliefs in rejecting neighboring proximity to sexual minorities, no effects for educational attainment and political ideology were discovered. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.



毫无疑问,全球范围内对性少数群体的接受程度正在不断提高。关于这种接受度的提高,人们普遍认为有两种主要说法是正确的。首先,这种接受度因接近被污名者而增加。其次,这种接受是持久的。这些可能并不完全正确,因为多种态度数据集经常显示接受人群之间的多样性,特别是对于那些表示完全接受被污名者但拒绝与他们相邻的人。这种接受上的不一致是本研究的主要焦点。本研究以拒绝与性少数群体近距离接触作为耻辱的案例和综合价值观调查(n = 52,796;48.15% 男性)的数据,探讨了完全接受性少数群体的人和表达高度性少数群体的人之间的异同。拒绝与性少数群体近距离接触时的偏见。逻辑回归模型显示,接受人口中那些拒绝与性少数群体接近的人更有可能是男性、受教育程度较低、高度虔诚、持有传统的与性别相关的信仰,并被右翼政治意识形态所吸引。虽然那些具有极端性偏见的人具有相同的性别、年龄和与性别相关的传统信仰,拒绝与性少数群体接近,但没有发现对教育程度和政治意识形态的影响。讨论了理论和实践意义。
