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Prescribed performance-based robust inverse optimal control for spacecraft proximity operations with safety concern
Aerospace Science and Technology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2023.108229
Qi Li , Dengwei Gao , Chong Sun , Shuo Song , Zhiqi Niu , Yungang Yang

This paper explores and analyzes the robust proximity control problem for spacecraft in the presence of external disturbance, model uncertainty, and safety concern. To fulfill the safety proximity requirement, a novel two-stage time-depended performance function is constructed to guarantee the transient and steady-state proximity performance. Then, by assimilating the advantages of the prescribed performance control methodology and inverse optimal control approach, a neuroadaptive prescribed performance-based inverse optimal control scheme is proposed, which ensures all system signals comply with the preassigned performance function. The developed controller shows optimality concerning convergence performance and energy consumption, whilst satisfying the well-designed safety corridor. Finally, simulation scenarios are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented control scheme.



