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Southerly winds: Family therapy and Latin America
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy ( IF 1.380 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-28 , DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1528
Maria Nichterlein 1

This article serves as a conversational and conceptual introduction to this special issue. It is written not in Latin America – as the other articles are – but in Australia and it is written by a Chilean who left Chile due to the ravages that the 16 year long dictatorship had on those lands. Using reflections on my experience – as a citizen and later as a student in psychology and in family therapy – both in that country and since, I touch on post-colonial issues and on epistemic violence to interrogate ‘invisibilities’ held in mainstream forms of knowledge in the field, invisibilities that come to us from the Western North. Using references to the work of Edward Said and Gabriel García Márquez, the article invites us to review core assumptions and postures in the conceptual frame of systemic work and proposes a methodology that supports alternative forms of knowledge – knowledges of the South – to forge a voice, a resistance to globalising tendencies that threaten to undermine the work we strive to do.



本文作为本期特刊的对话式和概念性介绍。它不是像其他文章那样写在拉丁美洲,而是在澳大利亚写的,它是由一位智利人写的,他因长达 16 年的独裁统治对这些土地造成的破坏而离开了智利。通过对我在那个国家和之后的经历的反思——作为一名公民,后来作为一名心理学和家庭治疗的学生——我触及后殖民问题和认知暴力,以质疑主流知识形式中的“隐形”在野外,来自西北部的隐蔽性。引用爱德华赛义德和加布里埃尔加西亚马尔克斯的作品,