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Layered Legacies. How Multiple Histories Shaped the Attitudes of Contemporary Europeans
Sociological Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-23 , DOI: 10.15195/v10.a1
Andreas Wimmer

This article introduces the concept of multiple, layered, and interacting histories, which opens four new avenues of research. We can ask which types of institutions or events, such as states, religions, or war, are more likely to leave a historical legacy. We can also explore why only certain states, religions, or wars leave legacies. We can compare the consequences of older and newer layers of history, such as of a series of successor states. Finally, these layers may interact with each other by preserving, neutralizing, or amplifying each other's effects. To illustrate these new research avenues, I use measurements of value orientations as well as generalized trust from the European Social Survey as dependent variables. New data on the history of states as well as the wars fought since 1500 are combined with existing data on the medieval policies of the Church, all coded at the level of 411 European regions. A series of regression models suggests that the political history of states is more consequential for contemporary attitudes than medieval religious policies or wars, that older layers of states can be as impactful as more recent ones, that interactions between layers are frequent, and that modern nation-states are more likely to leave a legacy than other types of polities.



本文介绍了多重、分层和交互历史的概念,开辟了四个新的研究途径。我们可以询问哪些类型的制度或事件,例如国家、宗教或战争,更有可能留下历史遗产。我们还可以探索为什么只有某些国家、宗教或战争留下遗产。我们可以比较新旧历史层次的后果,例如一系列继承国的后果。最后,这些层可能通过保留、中和或放大彼此的影响而相互作用。为了说明这些新的研究途径,我使用价值取向的测量以及欧洲社会调查中的普遍信任作为因变量。有关国家历史以及自 1500 年以来发生的战争的新数据与有关中世纪教会政策的现有数据相结合,所有这些数据均按 411 个欧洲地区的级别进行编码。一系列回归模型表明,与中世纪的宗教政策或战争相比,国家的政治历史对当代态度的影响更大,较早的国家层级可能与较新的国家层级一样有影响力,各层级之间的互动很频繁,而现代国家-国家比其他类型的政体更有可能留下遗产。