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No-go zone for Jews? Examining how news on anti-Semitic attacks increases victim blaming
Communications ( IF 1.339 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-17 , DOI: 10.1515/commun-2021-0145
Christian von Sikorski 1 , Pascal Merz 1

Antisemitism is on the rise. Recently, discussions have considered so-called “no-go zones for Jews” (city areas Jews should avoid to reduce the likelihood of being attacked). In this context and drawing from attribution theory, we examined if news consumers perceive a Jewish hate crime victim as partly responsible for being attacked when news coverage explicitly emphasizes that the victim displayed religious symbols (kippah) in a certain inner-city location. We conducted a quota-based survey experiment (N = 392) in Germany (4 groups, between-subjects design) and randomly exposed participants to news coverage about an anti-Semitic attack. The article either emphasized that the Jewish victim displayed religious symbols (kippah) or not, and highlighted the specific location of the attack (Berlin synagogue vs. deprived inner-city district of Berlin). Moderated mediation analysis suggested that participants perceived the victim’s behavior to be more provocative when the news article highlighted that the victim displayed religious symbols and when the attack occurred in a deprived Berlin district. Yet, effects were only detected for individuals with low (vs. high) levels of education. Perceived provocativeness in turn increased victim blaming indicating that some individuals indirectly regarded the Jewish victim to be partly responsible for being attacked.



反犹太主义正在抬头。最近,讨论考虑了所谓的“犹太人禁区”(犹太人应该避开城市地区以减少被攻击的可能性)。在此背景下,根据归因理论,我们研究了当新闻报道明确强调受害人在市中心某个地点展示宗教标志 (kippah) 时,新闻消费者是否认为犹太人仇恨犯罪受害人对受到攻击负有部分责任。我们在德国进行了一项基于配额的调查实验 (N = 392)(4 组,受试者间设计)并随机让参与者接触有关反犹太袭击的新闻报道。文章要么强调犹太受害者展示了宗教标志 (kippah),要么没有展示,并强调了袭击的具体地点(柏林犹太教堂 vs. 柏林贫民区)。适度的调解分析表明,当新闻文章强调受害人展示宗教标志以及袭击发生在柏林贫困地区时,参与者认为受害人的行为更具挑衅性。然而,只检测到教育水平低(相对于高)的个人的影响。感知到的挑衅性反过来增加了受害者的责备,表明一些人间接地认为犹太受害者对被袭击负有部分责任。