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Role of rural built environment in travel mode choice: Evidence from China
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2023.103649
Zhao Yu , Peilin Li , Tim Schwanen , Pengjun Zhao , Zhifeng Zhao

Although the built environment–travel connection has been extensively examined in urban settings, evidence from rural and small towns is still scarce. This paper addresses this gap by exploring the influence of the built environment on travel mode choice using national-level survey data from 119 rural towns throughout China. The results show that rural built environment variables significantly influence mode choice, with socioeconomic, regional economic and natural environment factors controlled: at regional level, close proximity to county centres, highways and bus stops tend to reduce car dependence. At local level, small-scale, compact, and mixed land use encourage walking and bus use. The built environment influences mode choices for shopping trips more than commuting trips. The results suggest that spatial planning for land use and transport networks will be effective in shaping greener travel and sustainable transport development in rural areas of China and in developing countries with similar contexts.
