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Revolutionary Refugee Policy: Salvadorans and Statecraft in Sandinista Nicaragua (1979–1990)
The Americas ( IF 0.529 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-10 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2022.92
Rachael De La Cruz

During the 1980s, more than 20,000 Salvadorans fleeing the violence of the Salvadoran Civil War entered the neighboring country of Nicaragua. Their flight was part of a larger multidirectional migration out of El Salvador in which Salvadorans sought refuge across Central and North America. In response to this unprecedented influx of Salvadoran refugee men, women, and children, the Nicaraguan government—newly under the control of the revolutionary Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)—declared that all refugees would be permitted “the opportunity to survive and produce.” This article argues that the timing of the refugees’ arrival proved mutually beneficial for both the Salvadorans and the FSLN by illustrating how Sandinista officials sought to further agrarian reform projects via refugee integration into agricultural cooperatives. As such, Nicaraguan refugee policy functioned as an integral part of Sandinista statecraft. Through an analysis of refugee-produced sources, government and UNHCR documents, and news reports, this article sheds new light on the entwined histories of Salvadoran refugees and the Sandinista state in the transnational context of the late Cold War period in Central America.



80年代,超过2万萨尔瓦多人为逃离萨尔瓦多内战的暴力进入邻国尼加拉瓜。他们的逃亡是萨尔瓦多更大规模多向迁徙的一部分,萨尔瓦多人在这次迁徙中穿越中美洲和北美寻求避难。为了应对这种前所未有的萨尔瓦多男女老少难民涌入,尼加拉瓜政府——新近由革命的桑地诺民族解放阵线 (FSLN) 控制——宣布将允许所有难民“有机会生存和生产。 ” 本文通过说明桑地诺官员如何通过难民融入农业合作社来寻求进一步的土地改革项目,认为难民抵达的时机对萨尔瓦多人和 FSLN 都是互惠互利的。像这样,尼加拉瓜难民政策是桑地诺治国方略不可或缺的一部分。通过对难民来源、政府和联合国难民署文件以及新闻报道的分析,本文以新的视角揭示了中美洲冷战后期跨国背景下萨尔瓦多难民和桑地诺国家交织在一起的历史。
