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Climate Change Risk and Climate Justice in France: The High Administrative Court as Janus or Prometheus?
European Journal of Risk Regulation ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-09 , DOI: 10.1017/err.2023.2
Marta Torre-Schaub

Climate change emergency requires rapide and determined action. The procrastination of the French state is not without consequences. One of them is that the High Administrative Court (Conseil d'Etat) found that climate risk is not taken seriously enough and is insufficiently addressed. In two decisions ruled in 2020 and 2021, the Conseil d'Etat in France had the opportunity to express itself on these issues. This is the case known as “Grande Synthe”, referring to the city that filed the petition before the High Court, in an appeal for “exces de pouvoir” –exces of power -, asking the administration to take further action in the fight against climate change. Civil society in France is indeed becoming impatient and taking legal action challenging the lack of ambition of the State in climate matters. The decision commented here will no doubt serve as a model for other similar decisions and for other European countries. It will lead to an increase of climate litigation in France and abroad.



气候变化紧急情况需要迅速而果断的行动。法国政府的拖延并非没有后果。其中之一是高等行政法院 (Conseil d'Etat) 发现气候风险没有得到足够重视,也没有得到充分解决。在 2020 年和 2021 年的两项裁决中,法国行政法院有机会就这些问题发表意见。这就是被称为“Grande Synthe”的案件,指的是向高等法院提交请愿书的城市,在“exces de pouvoir”(权力过大)的上诉中,要求政府采取进一步行动打击气候变化。法国的民间社会确实变得不耐烦,并采取法律行动挑战国家在气候问题上缺乏雄心。此处评论的决定无疑将成为其他类似决定和其他欧洲国家的典范。这将导致法国和国外的气候诉讼增加。