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Fluctuations of active membranes with nonlinear curvature elasticity
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2023.105240
Yashashree Kulkarni

Biological membranes and vesicles play a vital role in critical physiological processes like endocytosis, cell division, and cell motility. Over decades, statistical and continuum mechanics studies have provided phenomenal insights into the mechanics of these membranes and their biophysical implications. However, most studies, until recently, have focused entirely on passive (or “dead”) membranes that exhibit only equilibrium thermal fluctuations. In this work, we acknowledge the growing consensus that the active nature of membranes is vital to their biophysical functioning. Active membranes contain proteins that are fueled by energy from external sources such as adinosine triphosphate hydrolysis or light. These proteins exert forces on the membrane during their activity causing the membrane to exhibit fluctuations that are non-thermal in origin, thus driving them away from equilibrium. In short, active membranes are “alive” with their own energy source capable of circumventing equilibrium considerations. In this paper, we present a theory for active membranes based on principles of continuum mechanics and a variational formulation that (we hope) provides a unifying framework to understand seemingly disparate but insightful prior works in this field. Using our developed continuum model, we study the statistical mechanics of active closed membranes or vesicles. A specific highlight of our work is that we incorporate nonlinear curvature elasticity in our continuum theory and obtain closed-form results for the fluctuation spectra for active vesicles. Our numerical results reveal a rather unanticipated interplay of active forces, surface tension as well as nonlinear elasticity for small vesicles. To gain insights into the biophysical implications of activity in vesicles, we revisit the problem of determining the vesicle size distribution by assuming that the active vesicles are close to thermal equilibrium. Our numerical calculations show that active forces may significantly impact vesicle size distribution. A tantalizing implication of this finding is that by tuning active forces, active vesicles may attain vesicle size distributions that are improbable for passive vesicles governed only by thermal fluctuations.



