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The making and breaking of workplace bullying perpetration: A systematic review on the antecedents, moderators, mediators, outcomes of perpetration and suggestions for organizations
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2023.101823
Gülüm Özer , Jordi Escartín

Research examining workplace bullying (WB) perpetration from the perspective of perpetrators has remained limited compared to the literature on targets and victims. Until now, no systematic review of the studies from the perpetrators' viewpoints has been published. The present review aimed to synthesize the empirical studies that examine antecedents, mediators, moderators, and outcomes of WB perpetration. It also analyzed the practical suggestions given to curb perpetration and the research methods used. A literature search in Scopus, ProQuest, Science Direct, PubMed, and Web of Science databases for empirical studies published between 2003 and 2023 in peer-reviewed journals in English resulted in 50 full-text articles. Antecedent–perpetration relationships were primarily examined based on social and aggression theories. These relationships were analyzed in the silos of work environment or individual factors without diverse moderators and mediators. Research on WB perpetrators largely lacked causality analysis. Perpetration was associated with task-focused, conflict-prone, poorly organized, and stressful work environments. WB perpetrators had undesirable personality characteristics, and they were also being bullied. The outcomes of their behavior were rarely studied. The suggestions the researchers gave to curb WB perpetration seemed unlikely to be implemented by the same management team that created the toxic environment in the first place. Research on WB perpetrators, which is still in its infancy stage, lacks variety in terms of topics studied, the combination of work environment and individual factors, causality analysis and evidence-based interventions.



与关于目标和受害者的文献相比,从肇事者的角度审视工作场所欺凌 (WB) 行为的研究仍然有限。到目前为止,还没有从肇事者的角度对这些研究进行系统的审查。本综述旨在综合检验 WB 犯罪的前因、中介、调节者和结果的实证研究。它还分析了遏制犯罪的实用建议和使用的研究方法。在 Scopus、ProQuest、Science Direct、PubMed 和 Web of Science 数据库中对 2003 年至 2023 年间在同行评审英文期刊上发表的实证研究进行文献检索,得到 50 篇全文文章。先行行为关系主要是根据社会和攻击理论来检验的。这些关系是在没有不同调解人和调解人的情况下,在工作环境或个人因素的孤岛中进行分析的。对世界银行肇事者的研究在很大程度上缺乏因果关系分析。犯罪与以任务为中心、容易发生冲突、组织不善和压力大的工作环境有关。WB施暴者的人格特征不佳,他们也被欺负。他们行为的结果很少被研究。研究人员提出的遏制 WB 犯罪的建议似乎不太可能由最初创造有毒环境的同一个管理团队实施。对世行肇事者的研究尚处于起步阶段,在研究主题、工作环境与个体因素的结合、因果关系分析和循证干预方面缺乏多样性。
