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Status of the Newborn Hearing Screening in the 4-Months Age National Infant Health Checkup in Korea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study.
Journal of Korean Medical Science ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-30 , DOI: 10.3346/jkms.2023.38.e29
Jiwon Chang 1 , Su-Kyoung Park 1 , Gi Jung Im 2 , Joong Ho Ahn 3 , Jun Ho Lee 4 , Kyungdo Han 5 , Jong Woo Chung 3 , Jin-Sook Kim 6 , Hyunsook Jang 6 , Seung Hwan Lee 7

BACKGROUND The aims of this study are to review data on 4-months age National Health Screening Program for Infants and Children (NHSPIC) using a National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database, and to analyze the newborn hearing screening (NHS) results and related characteristics of the 4-months NHSPIC for 7 years in South Korea. METHODS We analyzed a NHIS database of infants who had participated in the 4-month age NHSPIC from 2010 to 2016. According to the results of hearing questionnaires and physical examination, we analyzed the outcomes of NHS and related infantile and socioeconomic factors. RESULTS Among 3,128,924 of total eligible infants in Korea between the year 2010 and 2016, 69.2% (2,164,621 infants) conducted 4-months age NHSPIC, and 94.4% (2,042,577 infants) of which performed hearing questionnaires regarding NHS. Among the total hearing examinees, premature infants accounted for 3.6%, infants who were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for more than 5 days accounted for 5.6%, and infants with head and neck abnormalities were 0.6%. The NHS performing rate was 79.1% for total hearing examinees in 2010, but gradually increased to 88.9% in 2016. The NHS performing rate in 2016 was 93.4% for premature infants, 91.7% for NICU hospitalized babies. The mean referral rate was 0.6% for total hearing examinees, 1.4% for premature infants, and 2.3% for NICU hospitalized babies. When we analyzed the NHS performing rate and the referral rate according to the household income level, the NHS performing rate of infants in Medical Aid programs was the lowest as 65.6%, and the NHS performing rates in other five levels of NHIS was higher ranging between 85.1% to 86.0%. The referral rate of infants in the Medical Aid program (3.8%) was significantly higher than those of infants in other classes (1.10-1.25%). CONCLUSION The estimated overall NHS performing rate in Korea gradually increased and was 88.9% in 2016. The overall referral rate was low as 0.6%, and it was significantly different depending on the infant's health condition and household income levels. We assume that our finding would help to establish policies managing hearing impaired children, and to develop the customized hearing care service programs considering the household economic levels.


韩国 4 个月龄全国婴儿健康检查中新生儿听力筛查的现状:一项全国范围的人口研究。

背景 本研究的目的是利用国民健康保险服务 (NHIS) 数据库回顾 4 个月龄婴儿和儿童国家健康筛查计划 (NHSPIC) 的数据,并分析新生儿听力筛查 (NHS) 结果和相关信息。韩国7年来为期4个月的NHSPIC的特点。方法 我们分析了 2010 年至 2016 年参加 4 个月龄 NHSPIC 的婴儿的 NHIS 数据库。根据听力问卷和体检结果,我们分析了 NHS 的结果以及相关的婴儿和社会经济因素。结果 2010 年至 2016 年间,韩国符合资格的婴儿总数为 3,128,924 名,其中 69.2%(2,164,621 名婴儿)进行了 4 个月大的 NHSPIC,其中 94.4%(2,042,577 名婴儿)进行了有关 NHS 的听力问卷调查。听力检查总人数中,早产儿占3.6%,在新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)住院5天以上的婴儿占5.6%,头颈畸形婴儿占0.6%。 2010年,NHS对所有听力检查者的执行率为79.1%,但在2016年逐渐上升至88.9%。2016年,NHS对早产儿的执行率为93.4%,对NICU住院婴儿的执行率为91.7%。听力检查者的平均转诊率为 0.6%,早产儿的平均转诊率为 1.4%,NICU 住院婴儿的平均转诊率为 2.3%。当我们根据家庭收入水平分析 NHS 执行率和转诊率时,医疗救助计划中婴儿的 NHS 执行率最低,为 65.6%,其他 5 个级别的 NHIS 的 NHS 执行率较高,范围为85.1%至86.0%。医疗救助计划中婴儿的转诊率(3.8%)明显高于其他班别婴儿(1.10-1.25%)。结论 韩国NHS整体执行率估计逐渐上升,2016年为88.9%。整体转诊率低至0.6%,并且根据婴儿健康状况和家庭收入水平的不同而存在显着差异。我们认为我们的发现将有助于制定管理听力障碍儿童的政策,并根据家庭经济水平制定定制的听力保健服务计划。