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Hands-on Digital Design Course during the Pandemic: Moulding Design for Fabricating Small Objects
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-19 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12443
Gizem Özerol Özman , Semra Arslan Selçuk

Due to the pandemic conditions, hands-on courses in architectural education were conducted remotely and their presentation had to be reconsidered. Hands-on courses, by their nature, support learning and learner-instructor interaction in the classroom environment. It was necessary to develop innovative solutions to ensure this interaction in virtual classrooms. This study discusses a method we experienced in the 2021–2022 spring semester of the “Principles of Digital Design and Fabrication in Architecture” course given at Gazi University. To combat potential interaction deficits, “problem-based learning (PBL)” and “learning by doing (LBD)” teaching methods were applied. While reflecting on foreseen problems in the curriculum on the students, we determined the distance education process causes different reflections on students in terms of digital modelling and fabrication techniques. All constraints and problem determinations obtained by the students were classified and a way to solve these problems developed with the LBD style. By the end of the course, the students, who were expected to design a small 3D object, first designed the mould then realised their fabrication of the object. In this process, while the foreseen problems and curriculum determined at the beginning overlapped, other problem determinations and their reflections formed an important base for the future curriculum.



由于大流行的情况,建筑教育的实践课程是远程进行的,因此必须重新考虑它们的介绍。实践课程,就其本质而言,支持课堂环境中的学习和学习者与教师的互动。有必要开发创新的解决方案以确保虚拟教室中的这种互动。本研究讨论了我们在 2021-2022 春季学期在 Gazi 大学开设的“建筑数字设计与制造原理”课程中体验到的一种方法。为了克服潜在的互动缺陷,采用了“基于问题的学习(PBL)”和“边做边学(LBD)”的教学方法。学生在反思课程中预见到的问题的同时,我们确定远程教育过程会在数字建模和制造技术方面对学生产生不同的影响。学生获得的所有约束和问题决定都进行了分类,并用 LBD 风格开发了解决这些问题的方法。到课程结束时,本应设计小型 3D 物体的学生首先设计了模具,然后实现了物体的制造。在这个过程中,虽然一开始确定的预见问题和课程有所重叠,但其他问题的确定及其反思形成了未来课程的重要基础。到课程结束时,本应设计小型 3D 物体的学生首先设计了模具,然后实现了物体的制造。在这个过程中,虽然一开始确定的预见问题和课程有所重叠,但其他问题的确定及其反思形成了未来课程的重要基础。到课程结束时,本应设计小型 3D 物体的学生首先设计了模具,然后实现了物体的制造。在这个过程中,虽然一开始确定的预见问题和课程有所重叠,但其他问题的确定及其反思形成了未来课程的重要基础。