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The Progressive Monarchy of Bhutan: A Not-So-Absolute Monarchy to a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
Asian Journal of Law and Society ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-30 , DOI: 10.1017/als.2022.34
Nima Dorji

This article provides a descriptive account of the evolution of the Bhutanese monarchy, and normative claims about its endurance and its nature, suggesting that the monarchy is both the expression of as well as the guardian of the country’s constitutional identity. Bhutan became a democratic constitutional monarchy by adopting the written Constitution in 2008 after a successful 100 years of hereditary monarchy. The willingness of successive monarchs to evolve based on changing times, their ability to ensure stability and continuity, and work for the benefits of the people and country guided by the principles of Buddhist kingship seem to have contributed not only in them benefitting from unqualified support of the people, but also in attaining the status of an expression of Bhutanese constitutional identity.



本文提供了对不丹君主制演变的描述性说明,以及关于其持久性和性质的规范性主张,表明君主制既是该国宪法身份的表达,也是该国宪法身份的守护者。不丹在成功实施了 100 年的世袭君主制之后,于 2008 年通过了成文宪法,成为民主君主立宪制国家。历代君主愿意根据时代的变化而发展,他们有能力确保稳定和连续性,并在佛教王权原则的指导下为人民和国家的利益而努力,这似乎不仅使他们受益于无条件的支持人民,也是在获得不丹宪法身份表达的地位。