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Et si on changeait la musique? Déterminants sociaux des préférences pour le hip-hop, le rap et les musiques urbaines en Grande Bretagne
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie ( IF 2.619 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-24 , DOI: 10.1111/cars.12418
Aurélien Boucher 1 , Ren Yan 2

This article examines the social determinants of hip-hop culture in Britain. Using data from the Great Britain Class Survey and drawing on work done over the last twenty years on the roots and development of hip-hop culture and rap music in Britain, it shows that preference for hip-hop music has a dual elective affinity with status-dominated groups in postcolonial Britain ̶ such as social agents identifying as “Black, Black British, Caribbean and African” and the dominated classes. Through this object of study, it is possible to rethink the heuristic character of the distinction between class and status.


Et si on changeait la musique?布列塔尼大区嘻哈、说唱和城市音乐的社会偏好决定因素

本文探讨了英国嘻哈文化的社会决定因素。使用英国阶级调查的数据并借鉴过去 20 年对英国嘻哈文化和说唱音乐的根源和发展所做的工作,表明对嘻哈音乐的偏好与地位具有双重选择亲和力- 后殖民时期英国的主导群体——例如被识别为“黑人、英国黑人、加勒比海地区和非洲人”的社会代理人以及被支配的阶级。通过这一研究对象,可以重新思考阶级和地位区分的启发性特征。