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Self-compassion in sport: a scoping review
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-18 , DOI: 10.1080/1750984x.2022.2161064
Danielle L. Cormier 1 , Kent C. Kowalski 1 , Leah J. Ferguson 1 , Amber D. Mosewich 2 , Tara-Leigh F. McHugh 2 , Philipp Röthlin 3


Sport is a domain that is rife with loss, failures, and disappointment. Self-compassion – the recognition of one’s own suffering and a desire to alleviate it – offers protection against maladaptive psychological experiences in sport. The purpose of this scoping review was to update and expand the results of the review by Röthlin and colleagues ([2019]. Go soft or go home? A scoping review of empirical studies on the role of self-compassion in the competitive sport setting. Current Issues in Sport Science, 4, Article 013. https://doi.org/10.15203/CISS_2019.013), and to identify new themes to help guide future research. Sixty-nine publications were identified using a variety of search strategies. Quantitative research (62.3%) and cross-sectional designs (83.3%) were most common, and most research was conducted by researchers residing in Westernized countries (81.2%). The majority of study participants (n = 10,025) were collegiate athletes (42.1%), and female/women sport participants were sampled slightly more frequently (52.4%). Researchers often investigated sex- or gender-based and competition level differences in self-compassion scores. Other common areas of research focus included well-being, mindfulness, striving for excellence, overcoming setbacks, negative thoughts and emotions, and self-criticism. New research areas that were identified included a need for theory, additional efforts towards conceptualization and measurement, acknowledgement of participant selection bias, integrating intersectionality, the relationship between self-compassion and performance, the distinctiveness between self-compassion and mindfulness, and future directions for interventions.




体育是一个充满失落、失败和失望的领域。自我同情——承认自己的痛苦并渴望减轻它——可以防止在体育运动中出现适应不良的心理体验。本次范围界定审查的目的是更新和扩展 Röthlin 及其同事的审查结果([2019]。Go soft or go home?关于自我慈悲在竞技运动环境中的作用的实证研究的范围审查。体育科学的当前问题, 4,第 013 条。https://doi.org/10.15203/CISS_2019.013),并确定新的主题以帮助指导未来的研究。使用各种搜索策略确定了 69 篇出版物。定量研究 (62.3%) 和横断面设计 (83.3%) 最为常见,大多数研究是由居住在西方国家 (81.2%) 的研究人员进行的。大多数研究参与者(n = 10,025) 是大学运动员 (42.1%),女性/女性运动参与者的抽样频率略高 (52.4%)。研究人员经常调查自我慈悲分数中基于性别或性别以及竞争水平的差异。其他常见的研究重点领域包括幸福感、正念、追求卓越、克服挫折、消极思想和情绪以及自我批评。确定的新研究领域包括对理论的需求、对概念化和测量的额外努力、对参与者选择偏差的承认、整合交叉性、自我慈悲与表现之间的关系、自我慈悲与正念之间的独特性以及未来的方向干预措施。
