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Incorporating mini lessons on the hidden curriculum in communication classrooms
Communication Teacher Pub Date : 2023-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/17404622.2022.2162559
Sophie S. Downing 1 , China C. Billotte Verhoff 1

The hidden curriculum (HC) consists of implicit knowledge rooted in curricula and found throughout students’ experiences navigating higher education (e.g. understanding professional email etiquette, graduate school applications and funding opportunities, or often taken-for-granted programs like Title IX and disability accommodations). In this semester-long activity, we encourage communication instructors to integrate HC mini lessons to share information that mitigates social capital and knowledge disparities, facilitates student reflection, and fosters classroom community. Through considering one’s positionality, strategically incorporating HC mini lessons, and seeking student feedback, instructors can share helpful and relevant information, encourage critical thinking about social issues, and develop rapport with students. Student outcomes associated with this activity include increased understanding of how to navigate higher education and positive student–instructor relational dynamics.


This semester-long activity is suited to introductory communication courses (especially regarding identity, positionality, power, and/or privilege) and other topical communication courses (e.g. interpersonal, organizational, cultural, or critical theory).


Hidden curriculum (HC) mini lessons will help students to: (1) understand the HC and analyze how it impacts their academic experiences, (2) identify specific areas of the HC that they struggle with, (3) gain important knowledge to better navigate systems of higher education, and (4) foster a connected classroom community.



隐藏课程 (HC) 由植根于课程的隐性知识组成,并在学生的高等教育经历中发现(例如了解专业电子邮件礼仪、研究生院申请和资助机会,或通常被视为理所当然的计划,如第九条和残疾住宿) ). 在这个为期一学期的活动中,我们鼓励交流教师整合 HC 迷你课程以共享信息,以减轻社会资本和知识差距,促进学生反思,并培养课堂社区。通过考虑一个人的位置,有策略地结合 HC 迷你课程,并寻求学生的反馈,教师可以分享有用的和相关的信息,鼓励对社会问题的批判性思考,并与学生建立融洽的关系。




隐藏课程 (HC) 迷你课程将帮助学生:(1) 了解 HC 并分析它如何影响他们的学术经历,(2) 确定他们遇到困难的 HC 的特定领域,(3) 获得重要知识以更好地导航高等教育系统,以及 (4) 培养相互联系的课堂社区。
