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Toward hospitable healthcare
International Journal of Hospitality Management ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2022.103412
Peter C. Yesawich , Stowe Shoemaker

Customer satisfaction data confirm what many adults believe intuitively: their service experiences with most healthcare service providers (hospitals, clinics, physicians) fall well short of their service experiences with most hospitality providers (hotels, resorts, restaurants). Because the services delivered in both industries are intangible, one wonders whether adoption of the principles known to enhance guest satisfaction in hospitality could elevate the level of patient satisfaction in healthcare. The exigent need for healthcare service providers to explore the adoption of these principles is accelerated by three converging trends: 1) the new “information everywhere” environment that has precipitated more patient-directed selection of healthcare service providers, 2) the move toward more transparent pricing of healthcare services to enable greater competition and more informed consumer choice, and 3) the fact that most healthcare providers must now engage in direct-to-consumer marketing to attract new patients. The authors address these and related issues through the examination of 24 service “touchpoints” common to both hospitality and healthcare experiences in an original survey of 1200 US adults. They introduce a model to facilitate discovery and adoption of the relevant principles of hospitality: PAEER, pronounced “payer.” Deconstructed, the model includes five critical elements: Prepare, Anticipate, Engage, Evaluate and Reward. The authors argue that adoption of this model would enhance the patient experience and financial “well-being” of healthcare service providers who implement it.



客户满意度数据证实了许多成年人凭直觉相信的事情:他们在大多数医疗保健服务提供商(医院、诊所、医生)那里的服务体验远不及他们在大多数酒店服务提供商(酒店、度假村、餐馆)那里的服务体验。由于这两个行业提供的服务都是无形的,人们想知道采用已知的提高客人满意度的原则是否可以提高医疗保健中的患者满意度。三个趋同趋势加速了医疗保健服务提供商探索采用这些原则的迫切需要:1) 新的“信息无处不在”环境促使更多以患者为导向的医疗服务提供商选择,2) 朝着更透明的医疗服务定价迈进,以实现更激烈的竞争和更明智的消费者选择,以及 3) 事实上,大多数医疗保健提供者现在必须参与直接面向消费者的营销以吸引新患者。在对 1200 名美国成年人进行的原始调查中,作者通过检查酒店和医疗保健体验中常见的 24 个服务“接触点”来解决这些问题和相关问题。他们引入了一种模型来促进发现和采用相关的好客原则:PAEER,发音为“付款人”。解构后,该模型包括五个关键要素:准备、预期、参与、评估和奖励。作者认为,采用这种模式将增强实施该模式的医疗保健服务提供者的患者体验和财务“福祉”。
