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The mental health correlates of cybervictimisation against ethnic minority young people: A systematic review
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2022.101812
Beatrice Sciacca , Angela Mazzone , James O'Higgins Norman

Cyberbullying victimisation is a form of abuse through electronic means that can have a negative impact on the mental health of young people. Ethnic minority youth might be particularly affected by the impact of cyberbullying victimisation, as it cumulates with other life stressors. The present systematic review aimed to explore the mental health outcomes of cyberbullying victimisation among ethnic minority young people. A database search was conducted on PsycInfo, Academic Search Complete, ERIC, Scopus, and Web of Science. A total of 1258 articles was scanned, and 26 papers met the eligibility criteria for this review. A quality assessment of the eligible studies was carried out. Sample size of the included studies ranged between 118 and 15,425; most studies were quantitative and only 9 adopted a longitudinal design. Findings of the included studies showed that cybervictimised ethnic minority young people manifest mental health problems in terms of depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicidal ideation. Cybervictimisation may constitute a risk factor for developing mental health problems in this vulnerable population, though confounding variables were not controlled for in most studies. Furthermore, findings are inconsistent among studies, which could be due to methodological gaps in the extant literature. Implications for research, policy and legislation are outlined.



网络欺凌受害是一种通过电子手段进行的虐待,会对年轻人的心理健康产生负面影响。少数族裔青年可能特别容易受到网络欺凌受害的影响,因为它与其他生活压力源叠加在一起。本系统评价旨在探讨网络欺凌对少数民族青年的心理健康影响。在 PsycInfo、Academic Search Complete、ERIC、Scopus 和 Web of Science 上进行了数据库搜索。共扫描1258篇文章,26篇论文符合本次评审标准。对符合条件的研究进行了质量评估。纳入研究的样本量在 118 到 15,425 之间;大多数研究都是定量的,只有 9 项采用纵向设计。纳入研究的结果表明,网络受害的少数族裔年轻人在抑郁、焦虑、药物滥用和自杀意念方面表现出心理健康问题。尽管在大多数研究中并未控制混杂变量,但网络受害可能构成这一弱势群体出现心理健康问题的风险因素。此外,研究结果不一致,这可能是由于现有文献中存在方法学上的差距。概述了对研究、政策和立法的影响。尽管在大多数研究中并未控制混杂变量。此外,研究结果不一致,这可能是由于现有文献中存在方法学上的差距。概述了对研究、政策和立法的影响。尽管在大多数研究中并未控制混杂变量。此外,研究结果不一致,这可能是由于现有文献中存在方法学上的差距。概述了对研究、政策和立法的影响。
