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Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas as another Iconoclastic Way
European Review ( IF 0.521 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s1062798722000527
Xavier Narbón

There are other forms of iconoclasm besides the destruction of idols. For example, an iconoclast can be considered one who, instead of eliminating a deified image, reveals the trick of a magician. The manipulator distracts attention with the gesture of one hand while the other acts. This action affects everyone when it is driven by political-economic power. Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas aims to eliminate magic and reveal the hidden plot that seeks to dominate society. His first panel already announces this: at the top, a map of the zodiac constellations; in the middle, Europe; and below, a genealogical tree of the Medici-Tornabuoni banking family. The Renaissance elites accumulate wealth and influence because it is seemingly dictated by the stars from birth. It is an illusion they display on the roofs of their palaces in the same way that a war is justified by a prophecy. There are some coincidences between Giordano Bruno, Aby Warburg and Vilém Flusser, in their respective ways to explain the dual role of image: both as a weapon of propaganda and as a device to disclose the truth. This article aims to reveal two different types of montages: the persuasive one, controlled by people in power through the ages, which is dismantled by the other, the photographic Warburg Atlas. A mirror broken into fragments, therefore, breaks the mirage: a new iconoclastic way.


Warburg 的 Mnemosyne Atlas 作为另一种反传统方式

除了毁坏偶像之外,还有其他形式的偶像破坏。例如,一个偶像破坏者可以被认为是一个人,他没有消除神化的形象,而是揭示了魔术师的把戏。操纵者用一只手的手势分散注意力,而另一只手动作。当这种行动受到政治经济力量的驱动时,它会影响到每一个人。瓦尔堡的Mnemosyne Atlas旨在消除魔法并揭示试图统治社会的隐藏阴谋。他的第一个面板已经宣布了这一点:顶部是黄道带星座图;在中间,欧洲;下图是 Medici-Tornabuoni 银行家族的家谱。文艺复兴时期的精英们积累财富和影响力,似乎是天生的星辰使然。这是他们在宫殿屋顶上展示的一种幻觉,就像一场战争被预言证明是正当的一样。佐丹奴·布鲁诺 (Giordano Bruno)、阿比·瓦尔堡 (Aby Warburg) 和维伦·弗卢瑟 (Vilém Flusser) 在各自解释图像双重角色的方式上有一些巧合:既是宣传的武器,又是揭示真相的工具。本文旨在揭示两种不同类型的蒙太奇:说服性蒙太奇,由历代当权者控制,阿特拉斯。因此,一面破碎成碎片的镜子打破了海市蜃楼:一种新的偶像破坏方式。
