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How cargo cycle drivers use the urban transport infrastructure
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2022.103562
Giacomo Dalla Chiara , Griffin Donnelly , Seyma Gunes , Anne Goodchild

Electric cargo cycles are often considered a viable alternative mode for delivering goods in an urban area. However, cities in the U.S. are struggling to regulate cargo cycles, with most authorities applying the same rules used for motorized vehicles or traditional bikes. One reason is the lack of understanding of the relationship between existing regulations and transport infrastructure and cargo cycle parking and driving behaviors.

In this study, we analyzed a cargo cycle pilot test in Seattle and collected detailed data on the types of infrastructure used for driving and parking. GPS data were augmented by installing a video camera on the cargo cycle and recording the types of infrastructure used (distinguishing between the travel lane, bicycle lane, and sidewalk), the time spent on each type, and the activity performed.

The analysis created a first-of-its-kind, detailed profile of the parking and driving behaviors of a cargo cycle driver. We observed a strong preference for parking (80 percent of the time) and driving (37 percent of the time) on the sidewalk. We also observed that cargo cycle parking was generally short (about 4 min), and the driver parked very close to the delivery address (30 m on average) and made only one delivery. Using a random utility model, we identified the infrastructure design parameters that would incentivize drivers to not use the sidewalk and to drive more on travel and bicycle lanes.

The results from this study can be used to better plan for a future in which cargo cycles are used to make deliveries in urban areas.




在这项研究中,我们分析了西雅图的货运循环试点测试,并收集了有关用于驾驶和停车的基础设施类型的详细数据。通过在货运自行车上安装摄像机并记录所使用的基础设施类型(区分行车道、自行车道和人行道)、在每种类型上花费的时间以及进行的活动来增强 GPS 数据。

该分析创建了货运自行车司机的停车和驾驶行为的史无前例的详细资料。我们观察到人们强烈偏好在人行道上停车(80% 的时间)和开车(37% 的时间)。我们还观察到,货运单车停车时间普遍较短(约 4 分钟),司机停在离送货地址很近的地方(平均 30 米),而且只送了一次。使用随机效用模型,我们确定了基础设施设计参数,这些参数将激励司机不使用人行道,而是更多地在行车道和自行车道上行驶。

